Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Bread, buns & biscuits Fresh or dried Rosemary Maldon sea salt Olive oil ...

Stir the dough into the warm water, add salt, olive oil and most of the flour. Peel the dough smoothly with the remaining flour and let it rise, covered with plastic film for approx. 1½ hours. Pour the dough onto a mashed table, divide into six servings and

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh Sage ...

Cut the meat into cubes of 2x2x2 cm. Stir the meat at high heat in the oil in a saucepan for a few minutes. Add white wine and simmer 2-3 minutes. to. Bring sage and taste with salt and pepper. tips: Kalvekam is the piece that corresponds to the right hand

Sauces Fresh chopped parsley Pepper Salt ...

Sauter slipped into the oil without burning it. Add garlic, spices and white wine and let it boil. Add the prawns and let the sauce boil approx. 4 minutes. Sift the sauce from the prawns and cook it a little. Season with salt and pepper. Spread the prawns on t

Mains Potatoes Olive oil Pepper ...

Divide a bornholmerhane in 6-8 pieces. Brush them in olive oil in a saucepan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and pick up the pieces. Brown 250 g of chopped shallots. Bring them up and shake 100 g of bacon. Pick them up Pour the grease off, leaving about 1

Mains Fintreven shell of 2 unsprayed lemons Freshly ground pepper Sea salt ...

Turn the meat pieces into flour, seasoned with salt and pepper. Brown on both sides in a pan or on a pan. Remove the pieces of meat, place them in an ovenproof dish and pour the grease off. Add garlic and anchovies, pour wine and let it boil for a few

Mains Marinade Pepper Salt ...

Sprinkle some salt and pepper on the stewed fillets and stir in butter on a pan for approx. 10 minutes on each side. Make the anchovy marinated by chopping the anchovies nicely and squeeze the juice of the lemon. Stir marinade together with anchovies, lemon

Mains Sea salt A little egeløvsalat, if necessary. Dandelion and watercress A little f salad ...

Stenbider scrapes, bowl in large bowl of ice-cold water and whip with whipping to collect barriers. Rinse the rice regularly When finished, pour the roast into a sieve and sprinkle with salt and pull the sieve. The potato is grated on raw rice and is formed

Salads Tarragon Orange Red onion ...

Mix the sliced ​​spinach, salad, cabbage with orange boats, chopped red onion and surimi. Sprinkle orange juice, vinegar, olive oil and taste with estragon, salt and pepper. Get dressings about salads.