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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains A little fresh herb Eggs Chili powder ...

Celery beef: Mix celery, cheese, garlic, egg, rasp and spice and 1 teaspoon of salt. Stir the dough well, form 4 steaks and pour them golden in the oil, 4 min. on every side. Tomato sauce: Rinse and flake the red tomatoes and cut tomato meat of both kinds o

Bread, buns & biscuits Sea salt Salt Water ...

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Mix dry yeast with 1¼ dl lukewarm water. In another bowl, flour and salt are mixed. Add yeast mixture and the rest of the water. Add the olive oil. The dough was kneaded by hand or with a machine with a dough hook. Put the d

Mains Salt Black olives Olive oil ...

Scratch the fat on each culotte down to the meat. Rub with salt and the stuffed squeezed garlic cloves. Place them in a frying pan and brown on the second row of the oven under the grill at 275 degrees for 12 minutes. Take them out. Put a piece of foil over, a

Mains Fresh sprigs thyme or Rosemary Pepper Salt ...

Rip the fat on the culots, brown the meat on both sides, but first with the grease side down. Sprinkle salt, pepper and thyme or rosemary on the meat, pour broth and let the meat spin dry under the lid for about 25 minutes. Boil the beans and drizzle them.

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Sea salt Cold sour cream 18% ...

Cut the aubergines into thin slices. Squeeze garlic in the oil with a little salt and pepper. Brush each slice on both sides. Cover an oblong solid shape, let them hang beyond the edge that closes when the dad is filled. Cut the rest into very thin strips on t

Mains Cooked peeled potatoes Pepper blend Salt ...

Mix oil with thyme, garlic, a little salt and pepper. Rub the club well all the way around. Place it in a frying pan and place it on the bottom groove in the oven at 200 degrees. Brown it for 20 minutes, pour the water on. Cut the peas into thin strips. Sha

Mains Pepper blend Salt Olive oil ...

Cut the potatoes into smaller pieces and cook without salt. Pour the water away. Whip the mash with the oil. Add cheese. Season with salt. Stir the thoroughly rinsed spinach under the lid for 4 minutes with the water that is attached. Push the water off Tur

Salads Balsamic vinegar Dijon mustard Garlic ...

The bulgettes are softened with REAL water for approx. 3-4 hours after which it will have a nice consistency (Bulguren should not be boiled!). The beans are boiled approx. 3-4 minutes. Cherry tomatoes are cut in half. Feta cheese cut into squares. All ingre