Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Basil, fresh Olive oil Pepper ...

Soak the scrambled toast bread into the broth. Stir it in chopped meat. Add eggs and cheese. Slightly crushed rosemary, finely chopped parsley and finely chopped garlic sauce. Season with salt and pepper. Divide the dough into 24 servings and roll each to a

Mains Salt Thyme, fresh Pepper ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees C. alm. oven. Stir the meat with salt, pepper and thyme. Add eggs, squeezed garlic or grated onions and then the liquid a little at a time. Finally stir the flour, stir anyway. Daddy with a little more liquid if it is too

Mains Shellfish Olive oil Basil ...

sauce: Heat the oil in a thickened pot. Bring onion and garlic and simmer until the onions are clear, but not brown. Stir chopped tomatoes that are free from skin and kernels. Cook the sardine fillets roughly and bring them tomato sauce, bay leaves, oregano,

Mains Pepper Salt Carrot ...

Put the meat in a saucepan and add ½ liter of cold water and bring it to a boil. Foam off and add spices and vegetables in large tern. Put on the lid and cook on for approx. 5 hours at low heat. Then let the meat cool in the soup. Bring the meat into a fros

Mains Eggs Finely chopped celery Finely chopped carrot ...

Cut small holes in the bowl with a knife and a bowl of large garlic cloves and sage and rosemary. Tie the ladder with cotton cord to hold it together. Brown the meat on all sides in a pot of olive oil. Add red wine, chicken stock and chopped vegetables. All

Sides Salt Mushrooms cut into slices White wine vinegar ...

Whip the ingredients together with marinade mushrooms and marinated mushrooms. Place them cool for approx. 1 hour. Sprinkle with a little parsley before serving.

Salads Heart salad Radicchio Fennel ...

Cut grapefruit boats out of the fruit. Press the "hull". Sauter curry and ginger in butter and oil, add grapefruit juice and boil and remove. Divide the fennel into 2 half. Cut into slices from top to bottom, so the slices are held together by the root.

Mains Butter for frying Water Olive oil ...

Findel the herbs and mix them with water. Mix the salt with the flour. Whip the eggs and mix them with the flour, olive oil and the herring water until it becomes a smooth dough. Then scrape the dough through a pasta mask into boiling water, (or form with a sp