Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Salt Tarragon ...

Brown kyllingefiletterne easy and put them in a roasting pan. Slice the leeks in sliced and put them over the fillets and season with tarragon, salt and pepper. Pour the cream over and set in oven 45 minutes at 180 degrees c. alm. oven. Serve with rice o

Bread, buns & biscuits Raisins Eggs Salt ...

Warm the milk 35 degrees here in the yeast udrør. Com ymer, eggs, sugar, salt, margarine and favor this in gæropløsningen. Com if necessary. raisins in flour in the dough Knead. is smooth and glossy. It may be a little sticky if there are raisins in. Let dough

Sides Palmin Salt Ægblomme ...

Use the mealy potatoes boil and willow them after the alm. rules for unpeeled potatoes hugs them in puresigten and stir the bog with margarine and egg yolk to taste with salt and white pepper or nutmeg refrigerate the dough on a flat plate. The form roulett

Appetizers Crème fraiche 38% Paprika Pepper ...

butter tortiliaen with flødeosten, not all the way to the edge. Put slices of salmon on 2-3 so the cheese is almost covered. Scroll tortiliaen together and wrap it in foil/vita wrap. Can advantageously stand 24 hours in refrigerator. By serving cut slices o

Cakes in form Eggs Salt Milk (boiling) ...

beat 20 g margarine into the swollen grunddej together with 25 g raisins wide dough out into a greased pie dish (larger portions in a roasting pan) when the dough is raised second time 75 g brown sugar sprinkled on 40 g melted margarine poured over Bake at 200

Mains Pepper Salt Freshly grated nutmeg ...

Melt 60 g butter in a pan. Add the garlic, shallots and mushrooms and simmer at low heat for 3 min. stir in spinach, Cheddar cheese, nutmeg and Basil in. Season with salt and pepper. Set the Pan aside. Mornaysovs: melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat

Cakes in form Salt Syrup Brown sugar ...

The milk and the yeast, stir in lunes. the other ingredients are added and the dough is kneaded until it is uniform. Highlights covered in a warm place about 30 mins. Fat softened in a saucepan, brown sugar and syrup is added and stirred together. The do

Bread, buns & biscuits Cold water Yeast Wheat flour ...

dissolve the yeast in the water, sugar and salt added. wheat flour is stirred in. the dough is a bit sticky but it should be. made in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours with wet Tea towel over. the dough can keep in the refrigerator for max 7 days. the doug