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Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Salt Water or soup ...

Sprinkle a little pepper and salt on the udbankede tenderloin put 6 washed stenfri prunes and tyndtskårne slices of ½ apples then and bind on the meat or use 2 mørbrader 12 skiveraf 1 prunes and Apple put the tenderloin on top of the other one and sew them tog

Sides Pepper Salt Bacon, diced ...

Bagekartoflerne made in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 1 hour. All the ingredients to mix in the sour cream to the dressing. When potatoes are finished, the udskrabes and the shell are stored. "potato flesh" put in a bowl and moses along with

Mains Salt Butter Fat ...

sheds fillets, one for the tendons and membrane and Brown it on all sides in the fat powdered salt over load the lid on the pot and turn the roast every 4 it my without water for time: 30 minutes early for fillet of veal 20 minutes take the pan of meat up to a

Mains Pepper Salt Small new potatoes ...

"Crack" asparagus in the end (where they drop naturally) and rinse them in cold water. Put them in a olive oil greased dish side by side. Remove if necessary. skins from the salmon and cut the fillet into approx. 3 x 3 cm bits that are added on top of the g

Mains Parsley Pepper Onion ...

wash the meat and cut it into treninger bring the water to a boil and let it simmer the meat came in while the herbs washed cleaned and sliced herbs came into the Pan sprinkle salt and pepper on and let it simmer until it is mørrt server chopped parsley to

Sauces 500 g. vegetables (onions leeks carrots celeriac) Balcamico Oil ...

Brown calves legs well in the oven, is taken out and put into a large pot, cover with water and bring slowly to a boil, foam well. Add if necessary. pork vegetables. Cook 3 hours on low heat. Term legs and vegetables from, sauté another ½ kg of vegetables i

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon ...

Olive oil is poured on the forehead, and baconet cut out in fine small cubes and Brown in olive oil, and while gold brought the water to boil the spaghetti. The eggs are whisked together in a bowl. When the spaghetti is cooked al dente, and the water is pou

Mains Ginger Chicken meat in pieces Oil ...

Grate the ginger and garlic and mix it together with chili and a little salt and pepper. Squeeze limejuice in along with the fresh chopped cilantro and 1 tablespoon oil. and came down in the flesh. Jacks grill the skewer through meat and sauté it in a hot p