Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley, finely chopped ...

The potatoes are cooked. Mornay sauce cooked up with parsley and season with salt and pepper. Pighajen lunes in pan or oven.

Mains EVS. cold water and salt Eggs Lemon ...

Provisioning: Fish pages cut lengthwise and crosswise into cubes of 1 x 1 cm. so that the meat is still bogged down in the skin. Fishing pages lay stretched out in the dish, sprinkled lightly with salt, that end added lemon græstop crushed with the back of a k

Mains Herb mix Olive oil Pepper ...

Skinned Dogfish: cut into chops at ca. 2-3 cm. make a layer of oil, salt, pepper and, if desired. little herbs. Turn the koteletterne in the oil and let them soak for 20 min. Koletterne Brown in a frying pan for about 1-2 my, and bake finished in approx. 6

Mains Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

The beans are put to soak in ample water overnight (12 hours). Iblødsætnings the water poured out and the beans cooked in salted water, again plentiful, until they are barely tender-each kind separately. Rinse thoroughly in cold water. The onions cut int

Mains Jerusalem artichokes Onion Flour ...

Hajkødet turned into flour, which is spiked with salt and pepper. FRY in butter on the forehead for about 5-6 my, who can possibly. Add a little lime juice. Pan No. 2: Here are sautéed Jerusalem artichokes into cubes with onions and mushrooms, and season wi

Mains A few splashes tabasco to taste Acacia honey Fresh thyme leaves ...

Whisk marinade together. Save approx. 1 dl. for brushing and serving. If there is much fat on spareribsene you can cut a little of the fat. Put the meat in the boiling salted water and let them simmer for 30-45 minutes. Foam of a few times along the way. Be t

Mains Lemon or lime juice Oil Salt ...

Heat the oil and sauté the onions in the pan until soft. Then add meat and vegetables while stirring. Add the garlic, turmeric, chili and ginger, to taste with salt. Cook over low heat until it is cooked together. Tilsær garam masala, scallion and cilant

Mains Finely chopped lemon zest Be from 1 lemon Finely chopped carrot ...

Cut one of the onions in slices. Heat the oil and Brown the meat along with the onions. Remove the meat from the pan. Notch the second onion and pour it into the Pan along with the celery, carrot and garlic. Sauté for about 5 minutes until the vegetables ar