Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Lunch Olive oil Sugar Yeast ...

Dissolve yeast in milk, add oil, salt and sugar and knead the dough with flour - until it drops the table. The dough must be firm. Keep it cold until it is used.

Do not bake them too close to the glow for approx. 20-30 minutes....

Desserts (cold) Chopped pistachio nuts to sprinkle Orange juice from here Vanilla ice cream ...

Cut the vanilla icecream into smaller pieces and put it in a blender. Pour the orange juice and chocolate turtles in. Blend and serve immediately. Dry if necessary. Slightly chopped pistachios.

The ice cream must be served right after it is made, oth...

Lunch Eggs (optional) Salt Soy milk or water ...

Remember just before water or milk is mixed in the flour, the guar gum is dissolved therein. It is important that it is poured into the dough immediately, as it otherwise gelates to an unusable lot. Fiber Remember to mix in the flour before adding the liquid. ...

Drinks (cold) Mango Superfood Bananas ...

Blend everything. Adjust if necessary. Consistency with more water...

Mains Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Warm the bacon nuts in the oil, let them swim for a moment. Add balsamic vinegar, let it bake, add sugar and spices together with tomatoes. Allow simmer for 30-40 minutes until cooked, server for freshly cooked spaghetti al dente.

To get the right It...

Mains Pepper Leek Red bell pepper ...

Cook the noodles according to the instructions on the package. Cut medisers, peppers and leeks into strips. Heat the oil in a wok or suter pan and lightning vegetables and medists for 4 minutes. Add salt, pepper and squeezed garlic and stir in drops of noodles...

Mains Brown sugar Onions in slices Chopped raw prawns, shucked ...

Boil the egg noodles in a large pot of boiling water for approx. 5 minutes. Drip well. Heat the oil in a wok or large saute pan, add garlic, onion and pork and raise the crust of golden brown. Stir prawns, pickles (if included), tofu, bean sprouts, fish sauce,...

Mains Curry Chicken pieces Mushroom ...

Bring curry in oil, preferably in a deep pan. Be generous with curry, as the vegetables take a lot of flavor! Stir the chicken pieces and then add vegetables, lay on and simmer for approx. 10 minutes. Look at it regularly and taste the peppers if necessary to ...