Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Broth

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Onions, potatoes, carrots and cabbage are sliced ​​or cut. Onions and beef brune in margarine. Carrots, potatoes and cauliflower are added and when it has fallen together add rice. Boil boiling water and broth over the dish and add spices to taste. The court s

Mains Broth Peeled tomatoes Nutmeg ...

Chop onion and garlic nicely. Cut the bacon into small pieces. Heat the olive oil in a thickened pot. Season the onions and garlic until they are golden. Add the bacon and let it fry slightly. Add the chopped beef and simmer for 4-5 minutes. Add the othe

Sauces Suit Corn flour cornstarch Butter ...

Brown butter in a saucepan. Stir the corn in the fat. When the flour mixture is light brown add the broth and whip well. Boil the sauce through low heat for 5 minutes. Adjust color with color and taste with salt and pepper.

Mains Cream Fill Pepper ...

Begin with the filling. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Melt the butter golden and grate the mushrooms in it until golden and crispy. Cool. Mix the chopped meat with half the mushrooms. Soak the bread slices in half of the cream. Stir it in th

Mains Garlic Pepper Salt ...

The turkey is laid on a board and with fingers loosen the skin carefully from the chest and thighs. Prepare a farce of chopped meat, french breadcrumbs, cream, spices and maybe a little chopped pork if you have it. Bring the dad between the skin and the

Soups Courgette Carrot Leek ...

Boil the lentils for 15 minutes in broth at low heat. Cut carrot and slices into thin slices. Chop tomatoes and courgettes. Bring the vegetables and other ingredients into the pan with the lentils. Boil 20 min. Taste like

Mains Pepper Salt Broth ...

Sprinkle salt and pepper on the schnitzels and roll them together about each spoon of parsley. Close with a pinch. Brown the rolls in butter and let them roast for low heat for 10-15 minutes. - the last 5 min. Under cover. Lay the rolls on a warm dish and keep