Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Broth

Soups Cilantro, fresh Thai fish sauce Broth ...

Broth, chili, limes, fish sauce and turkey cooked 4 minutes. Half cut carrots, cut leek and pack choi add and the soup put to cool. The noodles are laid softly as directed on the package and placed in the cooled soup. The soup is heated just before servi

Mains Orange reduction Fresh Rosemary Fresh thyme ...

Orange Reduction: Squeeze the juice of the oranges. Bring the sugar into a pan and let it caramelize, ie. Turn light brown and floating. Take care, it can quickly get too dark. Add orange juice. Remove the foam. Boil until there is 1-1½ dl left. The meat: T

Mains A little oil Corn flour to jævning Oil for frying ...

Prepare the sauce first. Onion sauteres, added broth and porpoise, smoothed and grapes added. The ostriches were roasted on the forehead, just a few minutes on each side. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. The meat is poured into a dish and the sauce poured over,

Mains Coarse salt and pepper Little jævning Broth ...

Roll the onions and chop them nicely. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into thin slices. Melt the butter on a pan. Brown the steaks and take them off the forehead. Bring onion and mushrooms on the forehead and turn them over. Bring broth, red wine and cream on

Mains Good bread Pepper Salt ...

Enables the pigeons and rub them with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Divide the salvie into the pigeons and tie them with a spoon. Melt the butter in a pan and brown the pans on all sides. Pour 1/2 white wine and 1/2 dl broth by laying on and let the doughs fry

Soups Broth Pepper Parsley ...

The avocados are good and mixed with whipping cream. Gently heat up and gently mix broth (possibly from main course beef or chicken), as needed. The soup must have a slightly creamy consistency. Water may be mixed if the texture is too thick. Add to the jui

Mains Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Pour and chop the bulbs and put them in butter in a large saucepan. Sprinkle peppers over. Add tomato sauce, chopped tomatoes and broth. Let it boil. Get the chopped meat for a little while. Stir well so it crumbles. Add potatoes and peppers. Boil for approx.

Mains Orange Celery Bacon, sliced ...

Cut the poussines along the chest and knock them a little flat. Grease them thoroughly with melted butter and drip them with orange juice. Season them with salt and pepper. Let them pull for 30 min. Grill the puffins with the meat side upwards approx. 15 cm