Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Broth

Mains Pepper Salt Milk ...

Place the liver in a bowl and pour so much whole milk over it to cover. Dilute the animal feeder approx. 8 hours. Take the liver up, dip it dry with a kitchen roll and flatten the thin skin. Cut the liver into 1½ cm thick slices and turn them into salt and

Soups A little butter to the steaming of leeks Broth Cream ...

The white of the three pears is cut well and steamed in butter. Add 750 grams of potatoes, cut into pieces, and one liter of light broth, and boil it quickly. As soon as the potatoes are cooked, they are crushed with a whipping cream and passed through a cloth

Mains Oil Finely chopped onion Raisins ...

The meat is cut into fingernail strips and browned in butter. Turn curry and onions until the onions are ready and added. Cook the pan off with the other ingredients, with the exception of bananas. Boil it with low heat for approx. 20 min. Or until the m

Mains Margarine for frying Salt Tarragon ...

Cut the smoked pork / bacon into strips, place it in a saucepan and warm slowly so that the grease melts off. Cut the veal in cubes of chop peeled Brown both in the grease, add if necessary. Little margarine. Pour the broth and let the meat chop at low heat

Mains Freshly ground pepper Capers Horseradish ...

Stir the meat to a farmer with broth, egg, salt and freshly ground pepper. Form them into large flat cobwebs and turn them into raspberries. Stack the cobwebs on a pan about 5 minutes on each side. Put the cranberries on a dish and put a slice of lemon on,

Mains Pepper Salt Cooking apples, peeled and sliced into thin both ...

If the kitchen contains two frying panes, both pans are taken out and it will be done at once. If not, raise the liver first and keep warm under the aluminum foil. Shake the bacon slices crispy on one pan and allow them to drizzle on a piece of paper roll.

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Stir the chopped meat with rasp, egg and cream. Season with salt and pepper. Garlic, parsley and thyme. Wide the chest, season with salt and pepper, benefit the filling and roll the chest together over the filling. Stretch with cotton yarn or close with meat n

Mains Flour Pepper Salt ...

Slice the meat slices with the back of the hand and turn them into flour, seasoned with salt and pepper. Shake redundant flour and brown meat slices in plenty of butter on both sides. Add the wine, put the freshly ground parmesan on the meat slices and sprinkl