Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Broth

Mains Pepper Salt Red wine ...

Sprinkle salt and pepper on the schnitzels and roll them together about each spoon of parsley. Close with a pinch. Brown the rolls in butter and let them roast at low heat for 10-15 minutes - the last 5 minutes under the lid. Lay the rolls on a warm dish and k

Mains EVS. corn flour Pepper Salt ...

Clean the chicken and dry it well both inside and out. Cut it into pieces and brown pieces well on all sides in butter added curry. Cut the apple into small tern and add the chicken with broth. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and let the chicken roast under lid

Appetizers Pepper Torn shell of 1 lemon Salt ...

Pour broth into a pan together with finely chopped carrot. Put a little over the pot and put the chicken thighs in. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve strips of lemon lemon peel over. Rinse the salad and place it over the chicken thighs. Cover with parchm

Soups Broth Sour cream Mayonnaise ...

The tomatoes are placed in boiling water for a moment and flattened. The cucumber is peeled and the kernels are removed and blended with onion, pepper, tomato, garlic and paprika in the bouillon. Then stir the 3 milky milk products. Add it with vinegar and

Sides Salt Broccoli Broth ...

Spread broccoli into small bouquets. Stir them in butter until they are slightly brown. Add broth and salt. Boil for 10-15 minutes.

Mains Pepper Salt Green pepper, in strips ...

Turn the meat pieces into flour mixed with salt and pepper. Put meat, onion, green pepper, carrots, tomatoes, tomato sauce and mushrooms in a large serving dish. Mix the peppers and broth and pour over the meat. Stir well and add salt and pepper. Step

Mains Bay leaves Pepper Salt ...

The dried fruits are soaked overnight. The finely chopped spoon is melted in a dish for 1 minute in the oven The meat, broth and dried fruits are placed in the dish, which is put in the oven with a lid for 30 minutes at 100%. Stir around every 5 minutes.

Soups Parsley Comments Broth ...

Meat and onions are seasoned and seasoned with peppers and bowls. Potatoes in tern, tomato and broth are added and the soup is boiled for 15 minutes. Bowl of pepper fruit in the tern and boil for approx. 10 minutes. Serve the soup, stirring hot with a sp