Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Broth

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Meat and beef are driven once through the meat hatcher. The meat is kneaded with egg and rasp and seasoned with salt and pepper. The fries are rolled into a thick sausage cut into suitable slices formed into creclets. The creepers are turned into rasp an

Mains Kraft french dressing or kraft sallad dressing Pepper Salt ...

An easy dinner dish with southern flavor and appearance. The dish is cooked in the oven and served with coarse bread. Rip the chops on the edge, so they do not make a bowl during browning. Sprinkle them with salt and pepper and brown in oil. Then cook auber

Mains EVS. 1 tsp. sugar A little Basil Pepper grinder ...

Ham, onions, garlic chopped well and put on the forehead, add the finely chopped tomatoes, then grate to thick fathers. Cut a pocket into the chops, sprinkle the dad. Turn in flour and fry in olive oil for 6-7 minutes. on every side. Put the chops in a dish.

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

The almonds are sliced ​​and chopped roughly. Shake on a dry forehead. The pineapple slices are sprinkled with curry and fried in oil approx. 1 minute. The chops were roasted on the same pan approx. 5 minutes on each side depending on thickness. Sauce: B

Mains Wheat flour Curry Oil & butter ...

The chops are spread into the flour, added curry, salt and pepper and brune in equal parts of butter and oil. They are then placed in a refractory dish. Dry if necessary. Some salt and pepper over. The onions are peeled and chopped well. Bacon is spiced in

Mains EVS. 1 tsp. mild paprika Butter for frying Onion ...

The rabbit is cut into suitable portions, seasoned with salt and pepper, and brine in butter in a frying pan, add 1 teaspoon. paprika. Sesame seeds are crushed and added together with broth. The whole small dimmer under the low 40 min. sauce: The peeled cu

Mains A residual boiled or fried rabbit meat á 200-300 g Pepper Grated cheese ...

The meat is cut into small cubes, chopped finely and garlic finely chopped. The mixture is placed in a saucepan and heated easily. Broth, paprika and tomato puree are added. It's all cooked slowly until it's even. Season with the spices. Sprinkle the boiled sp

Mains Minced parsley Oil/butter for frying Pepper ...

The rabbit is split into pieces of bread, seasoned with salt and pepper, lightly brushed in oil / butter and put into an ovenproof dish. Keep warm while the sauce is made. The finely chopped onions and crushed garlic can be swirled in a deep pan or pot until r