Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Porridge & gruel Salt Coconut milk (400 ml) , round grain milled ...

Coconut milk and water to the boil. Add rice and boil while stirring to the rice exactly are tender-ca. 35 minutes. Cooked porridge for too long can consistency have a tendency to be a little chewy. The porridge taste with salt. Served piping hot with cinna

Soups Wheat flour Curry Desiccated coconut ...

Chicken cooked in 1 1/2 liters of water with added salt and 1 cleaned onions for about 1 1/2 hour. The soup is lightly. Chicken clean the fur and bones and then køddet cut into bite-sized chunks. raisins soaked in a bit of the soup. 1 cup desiccated coconut ro

Drinks (warm) Orange peel from here Whole cardamom capsules Whole cloves ...

All ingredients are cooked with water and a bit of sugar on a low heat in a 1/2 hour. The spices in a tight-fitting glass, and boiling water are met, so that it covers. It should pull in a few days, then it is ready for use again. If it loses power, it may boi

Cakes in form A good tablespoon of wheat flour Whipped cream Syrup ...

Peel and halve the 12 good Apples, cut Flower, stem and Kærnehus and cook them like the Compote with very little Water, Wine and Sugar. Butter a Gratinfad or a cake form well with Butter and have fun at Apple pieces in the dish with the heavily indkogte syr

Mains 1 tablespoon oil for frying Groftkværnet pepper Light sausejævner or maizina ...

Beef and onion Brown in a dry Pan (possibly, Oil) spices and tomato paste, add water and tilsætes and Court bouillion boils approx. 20 min. right levelled for the desired consistency reten season with salt pepper and garlic. Course is served with cooked spaghe

Soups White pepper Salt Lamb breast ...

Used tripe of young, nyslagtede sommerlam. Tripe is offal, specifically belly and fat guts. For a time the tripe belongs also paralyze the feet. Lammeføderne cleaned, sliced and placed in cold water with added salt. Kallunerne scraped at least 3 of 4 times and

Mains White wine vinegar (1 cup = 1 ½ dl) Celery cut into strips on the bias Extra virgin olive oil ...

Bring water and white wine vinegar to a boil in a large pot. Turn down the heat, then add the tripe and let it simmer with lid in half an hour. Rinse in cold kallunen won, let it drain and cut it into fine strips. Shock the tomatoes in a mortar until they a

Mains Cayenne pepper Finely chopped garlic Calves feet (about 3 feet) or 1 kg. pig's feet ...

Get the butcher to chop calves feet over in pieces of 5 cm. s length. Got them in a saucepan with cold water. Bring it quickly to the boil and let it cook for a few minutes. Take the meat up with a skimmer, it came in a sieve and hold it under running cold wat