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Recipes with Rhubarb

Cakes in form Water Eggs Dry white wine ...

To the bottom blended Marzipan, sugar, eggs and flour. Then add melted butter and water. The mass is divided into 6 round baking Tin and bake for about 20 minutes at 150 degrees. To kompotten skraldes, wash and cut the rhubarb into pieces of about 3 cm. And

Mains Pepper Salt Vanilla sugar ...

RIDs the duck breasts in fat and fry them in the Pan (or in the oven) with salt and pepper to taste in a little oil to the wished consistency 15-25 Rhubarb Compote: cut rhubarb min. into slices and pour them in a pan with ½ Cup cane sugar and ½ Cup Apple jelly

Cakes in form Margarine to form Small baking pan (24 x 30 x 5) Salt ...

Stir margarine creamed with sugar, vanilla, salt and egg yolks. Mix the flour with the baking soda and stir in butter bit by bit the cream together with the milk. Butter the mold and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Pour the dough into the mold and smooth with a spa

Desserts (warm) Wheat flour Potato flour Butter ...

Rinse the rhubarb, let them drain and cut them just fine. Put in a greased casserole dish or pie dish. Mix sugar and potato flour and sprinkle it over. Stir in butter and sugar together, add the grated marcipanen. Stir in the egg yolks one at a time. Add th

Cakes in form Olive oil Baking soda Honey ...

Compote: Rinse and cut the rhubarb into roughly 2 cm long pieces. Boil rhubarb with sugar to a close Compote. Keel kompotten of. Preheat oven to 180 degrees c. alm. oven. Butter a springform and sprinkle with flour so that the bottom and sides are covered.

Cakes in form Sweetener equivalent to 125 g sugar Eggs Corn flour cornstarch ...

The dough is kneaded together. Be cold for an hour. Rolled out and place in a pie dish approx. 24 cm. in diameter. Sweetener and corn flour mix and sprinkled over the rhubarb. Strips of dough to be laid over the rhubarb. Bake at 200 degrees c. alm. ov

Desserts (patisserie) Lemon balm or flowers URf.eks. the acid which is edible Whipped cream Butter ...

Bog: cut rhubarb into smaller pieces and cook them with sugar and Ginger at low heat for approximately 10-15 minutes until the fruit is never boil them to death, without lid, if there is a lot of juice, so the Marsh does not become too thin. Pipes along the wa

Cakes in form Blanched lovage Lemon juice Sugar ...

Rhubarb is washed and bottom cut away, cut into small pieces and cooked in syrup, brine has taken the color and taste of rhubarb sifted it from so there is only a bit back and rhubarb cooked into a thick Compote. Some of the brine is cooled down and the res