Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Salads A small handful of cashew nuts Oranges Carrots ...

Carrots & amp; Beetroot rifts roughly. The oranges are cut into small pieces. All ingredients are mixed together and served immediately so the raisins do not get soft.

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon shell thereof ...

The meat is turned into flour with salt and pepper and brune, if any. Of sometimes. Takes up. Vegetables chopped and browned in margarine. Boiling water, tomato purée and bay leaves are added. The meat is laid back and the wine is added. Cook under low for

Mains A little oil for frying the vegetables Oil for frying the spring rolls Salt ...

Peel the carrots and cut them into small strips. Stir carrots and cabbage on a forehead with a little oil until they become slightly tender without burning. Add the bean sprouts and spring onions and shake for a few minutes. Season with soy, chili, salt and a

Various A little flour Margarine/oil for frying Pepper ...

Bring all the ingredients in a bowl and stir around. Milk and Milk as needed by the mass Salt and pepper to taste Stir the dents on a warm forehead for a few minutes until they are brown and crisp tips: May be eaten. With potatoes, salad as needed

Soups Garlic Pepper Salt ...

Potatoes, carrots and pears are cut into terns / slices. The bacon is browned in a pan and taken up. Then you get the vegetables in the pan, with the fat of the bacon and shake them. Water poured at. The amount you choose is how much a potion you want. T

Mains Fund or broth Onion Bærgele ...

The peeled carrots are cut into bites and swirled in a little butter on the forehead together with bacon, onions and the mushrooms cleaned. Let it fry while stirring for a few minutes. The game meat is cut into the tern (if not already) and brown in butter i

Mains Freshly ground pepper Apple juice or oksebullion Diced tomatoes (400 g) ...

Chop the loaves well, heat a frying pan with oil and put the loaves in. Let the bulbs warm them for approx. 5 min. Put the meat in and brown it completely and stir a saucepan. Peel the carrots and tear them down on a grater or put them in. A food processor. Pu

Mains Flutes Pepper Parsley ...

Cut the veal into strips. Peel the carrots and cut them and half the fennel into slices. Melt butter and oil golden and grate meat and vegetables in it. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and add cream and cream fraiche. Season with salt and pepper and let the dish