Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Soups Lobster ROE Turbot Fund: (there must be used 4 dl. of this Fund) Onion ...

Turbot Fund: Heads and legs Sauté in a little oil without Brown. Add the cleaned vegetables that are cut small print out, and let them saute in a moment. Add the spices and white wine, let it cook down. Add the veal Fund, give it a rehash, and remote it was th

Appetizers White pepper Salt Celery ...

Jomfruhummerbisque: Norway lobster be rearranged: the tail is broken by shell, tamper-proof of the flesh, which is saved. A total of 4 claws broken off and saved for garnish. The rest of the shells, heads and claws are saved to fund. Lobster shells Sauté in oi

Mains Dill EVS. lobster pasta Bay leaf ...

Mushrooms, cleaned, cut into slices and FRY in a little butter. Add the whipping cream udrørt with wheat flour and white wine, bay leaf, dill, salt and pepper, let it boil well through. Flavor to pasta with lobster or lobster broth. Put cooked lobster diced ge

Soups Vinegar Olive oil Pepper ...

Hummeren killed in boiling water, about 2 minutes, and the meat is taken out. The shells Brown in hot olive oil, vegetables, horseradish, flamed with cognac. White wine is added and reduced. Water is added. Boil about 10 minutes, then sifted and reduced. Th

Salads Fresh bean sprouts Lemon juice Small onions ...

Whisk the soy sauce, sugar, white wine, lemon juice, white wine vinegar and olive oil together. Pour it into a glass with a lid. Arrow and chop the onion finely. Cut the peeled avocados into small cubes. Add onion and avocado in the marinade. Set the jar in re

Mains Wheat flour Olive oil Pepper ...

Bank Turkey schnitzlerne with these events. They must be ca. 1/2 cm thick. Advantage Sage leaves and minced garlic on the four schnitzler. Put a slice of ham on each. Fold schnitzlerne on the Middle, turn them in flour and season with salt and pepper. Fry them

Salads Pepper Dijon mustard Yellow bell pepper ...

Cook the squid into wine added a little salt in 25 minutes. Take them up and cut them into rings. Scrub the mussels well with a stiff grøntsagsbørste under running cold water. Remove "bearded" with a sharp knife, and discard clams that have opened up and can't

Sides Herbs at will (parsley minced red onion tarragon thyme and Basil) New potatoes Butter ...

Cook new potatoes. Boil white wine 1/3 down, add the melted butter. Combine the coarsely chopped herbs and red onions in white wine/butter mixture. This mixture is poured over the potatoes by serving.