Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Mains Wheat flour Parsley Salt ...

Cut the cleaned eels in smaller pieces and put them in the gennemfugtede roaster. Arrow the onion and cut it, carrot and Leek into thin slices. Put it down to the fish. Mix the thyme and Sage in white wine before it is poured over. Sprinkle some salt on the ee

Mains Dill Pepper Salt ...

Cut the cleaned fish into appropriate pieces and put them in the gennemfugtede roaster. Finely chopped onion in. Pour white wine came and broth over and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Boil the fish at 200 degrees for about 45 minutes. The cooking time is entir

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Put a layer of fish fillets in the gennemfugtede roaster. Place very thin slices of lard or bacon on them and tomato slices. Sprinkle some chopped mushrooms over. Got a layer of fish fillets over and sprinkle some small cubes of lard. Sprinkle spices over and

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Stir the butter with paprika and chopped parsley and butter the gennemfugtede roaster with the mixture. Rinse and then dry fish fillets and place them in the pan. Sprinkle salt and pepper on and dripping lemon juice over. Pour 1 dl. white wine by fish fillets

Mains Paprika Salt Lemon juice ...

Butter the bottom of the roaster with gennemfugtede oil. Chop the onions and strew ditch half into the pan. Share the fish fillets into strips or cubes and put them on. Sprinkle onion on and shift with the fish and onions. Came the rest of the oil and lemon ju

Mains Pepper thyme Lemon salt Garlic ...

Share the cleaned hen in serving pieces. Rub them with salt and pepper and place them in the gennemfugtede roaster. Com strips of green pepper, peeled tomatoes, divided into four parts, and crush garlic in white wine with thyme and. stir lemon juice and pour o

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Share hen in serving pieces. Rub them with salt and pepper and place them in the gennemfugtede roaster. Put butter in dabs on. Mix broth and white wine with the crushed garlic cloves and pour it into the pan. Let the Court mørne at 200 degrees for about 1 ½ ho

Mains Lemon juice Frozen puff pastry or homemade puff pastry of 150 g. plain flour Pepper ...

Cut the legs off of the cleaned hen. It is quite difficult with it can be done. Perhaps the butcher do it. Otherwise, the chicken is boiled first and then the parterres. Share the chicken meat into serving pieces and rub it with salt, pepper and lemon juice. P