Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Appetizers Fresh thyme Pepper Salt ...

Jerusalem artichoke, leek (the peaks are saved for garnish), potato and parsnip rinsed/peeled off and cut into smaller pieces. Put it all into a large saucepan with the white wine and a few sprigs of thyme (½ tablespoon dried thyme). Let it boil vigorously for

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Oil for deep frying Rome ...

The apples should be peeled off, and since the apples must end up as rings, one must get the seed cell out, there is a small nifty little "instrument" that is designed for this kind of tasks, and the apples cut into slices and be marinated in rum. Mix flour, s

Soups Lemon or lime juice Mint Split vanilla pod lengthwise ...

Boil water, sugar and the vanilla pod split up. Came white wine in. Drag from flared, roof vanillestangen up, scrape the grains out and got them back in the soup. Slice the strawberries into slices. Pour the soup over the strawberries. Season to taste with lem

Appetizers Lasagne sheets Pepper Salt ...

Chop the onion and leeks. Sauté the onions in a little olive oil for a few minutes, and place on top of the pores. Put the salmon on top and steam it for approx. 20 minutes underlåg for low heat. Chop salmon into suitable pieces to snag with lemon, salt and pe

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Let the duck flesh lie in milk overnight before it should be prepared. Set the oven at 200 degrees. Melt the butter in a frying pan and place the duck breast in. Salt and pepper, and lower the heat when the meat has gotten a nice brown color. Let it cook

Mains Salt Potato flour Cream ...

Peel celery and apples and grate both coarsely. Cut the ham and Caramelized pineapple into small cubes and mix everything. It came in the gennemfugtede roaster. Mix the cream, white wine, eggs and flour and a little salt and pour the mixture into the pan. Behi

Soups Finely chopped herbs URf.eks. parsley, chervil or tarragon Pepper Grated parmesan ...

Cut the peeled onion into thin rings. Sauté them in olive oil until they are clear. Got them, broth, herbs, salt and pepper in the gennemfugtede roaster. Boil the soup approximately 45 minutes at 220 degrees and flavor it with white wine. Remove the lid of the

Soups Salt Celery Garlic ...

The meat came and they cleaned, shredded herbs in the gennemfugtede roaster. Jack Carnation into the peeled onion. Add the spices and water. The soup should cook about 2 hours at 170 degrees, the meat is very tender. The herbs can be taken up when they are ten