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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Olive with stone Olive oil nage Pepper ...

The meat: Order the meat at the butcher a few days in advance. Bed the butcher shreds the pork chunk like a lamb chandelier. Cut it between 2nd and 3rd ribs up to 8th and 9th ribs. The leg length should be approx. 10 cm. Scratch the sword in 1 x 1 cm tern.

Lunch EVS. 1-2 Bay leaves Button 1spsk coarse salt Pepper ...

Rip the sword all the way down to the meat with ½ cm of space - but avoid scratching in the meat itself. If the butcher has scratched the meat, it must be passed. Sometimes scratching is not deep enough - especially not in the pages. Be careful to get salt dow

Mains French mustard Freshly ground white pepper Minced parsley ...

Mix wine, squeeze garlic, salt, pepper and thyme well together. Cut all the excess fat of the lamb and put it in a thin dish. Pour marinade over and leave it cold until next day. Turn the meat sometimes along the way. Take the meat a few hours before coo

Mains EVS. 6 Sun-dried tomatoes Pepper Salt ...

Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the packaging. Cut the broccoli into small bouquets and boil them approx. 5 minutes in low salt water. Clean the spring bulbs and cut them into long slices. Cut the tomatoes into large cubes. Cut or tear dried

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Heat a little oil on a pan and cook the meat for 3 - 4 minutes on each side. Season with salt and pepper. Remove the meat from the forehead and hold it warm for 2 minutes. Cook the pasta as directed in a pan of boiling lightly salted water. Pour the water a

Mains Shoulder of pork into cubes All the comments Hvidkåls main ...

Shake the cuts in a frying pan in the oil. Divide the cabbage into blocks and remove the stick and cut the cabbage into large cubes. Peel the potatoes and cut them into pieces. Scrape carrots and cut them into spell. Stir the tomato paste and bowl in the

Sides Pepper Salt Sesame seeds ...

Stir the two kinds of meat together. Stir eggs, chopped parsley, squeezed garlic, chopped onions, flour, pine nuts, salt, pepper and cumin in the meat for a light and airy father. Leave the dough to rest for approx. 30 minutes. Form the dad to meatballs and

Mains Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Bring broth, olive oil and sage leaves to the boil, add the turkey sauce and simmer the heat. Let the meat boil for 10 minutes under the lid. Pour the tuna from the tuna and blend it with anchovies and 2 tablespoons of the egg yolk. Add mayonnaise and taste