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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Basil, dried Pepper Salt ...

Put the salmon fillets in a baking dish greased with a little oil. Stir oil with chopped parsley, pressed garlic, grated lemon zest, salt and pepper. Advantage of the mixture over the fillets and place the lemon slices on top. Behind the salmon at 200 de

Mains Peeled tomatoes Garlic Olive oil ...

The yeast is mixed in lukewarm water, add the salt, oil and butter. Stir in the flour a little at a time. When it has a fine consistency dough is divided in four and be wrapped in cling film, then it must raise at room temperature for four hours and afterwards

Soups Oil Paprika Pepper ...

Mix the yogurt, olive oil, mustard, pressed garlic, cream, broth and chili (which is udkernet and finely chopped) together. Style soup cool. Pour a little oil, salt and pepper on courgetten and behind it in a hot oven for about 20 minutes (to golden brown).

Soups Cayenne pepper Juice of ½ lemon Cucumber ...

Dot the tomatoes with a pointed fork. Got them in boiling water for a moment, to the skin begins to loosen up and arrow skin off tomatoes. take of. Slice the tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper and onion into smaller parts. Got it all in a blender along with th

Sides Olive oil Garlic Toast ...

Cut the crust of the bread and butter it with olive oil and pressed garlic. Cut it into cubes, put them on wax paper on a 200 degrees oven, until golden.

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Garlic ...

Cut the bacon into cubes and fry it in a saucepan with the garlic and oil. Roof box the role of heat when the bacon according to desire is blank or crisp. Whisk the eggs in a bowl and stir in the cream in with Parmesan, pepper and salt. The cream can udelaades

Mains Planed Parmesan cheese Pepper Salt ...

Cook the pasta in abundant salted water according to instructions on the package. Warm garlic and chili in olive in a small, thick-bottomed pan, without that it takes color. Add the tomatoes, once the garlic begins to take on color. Bring it all to a boil and

Bread, buns & biscuits Olive oil Salt Dried oregano ...

The yeast and the water gradually stir in friable. salt, oil and flour kneaded in, little by little, until the dough release. Let the draw in 45 minutes, covered with a tea towel. When the dough has raised sprinkled a little flour on the table. Knead the dough