Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Soups Pepper Salt Carrot ...

Cold soup Soup is a nice red because of tomato puree and rich in flavor. The soup is brilliant as a guest meal, as it can be prepared in good time before the guests call. Ingredients: 1 carrot 1 parsley pod 1 small onion 1 tbsp. Olive oil 300 g prawns 1 clove

Soups Carrot Leeks Saffron ...

The herbs are cleansed, rinsed and cut into small cubes. They are sautéed in the oil until they are tender. Add the prawns and simmer them until they are completely red. Add the white wine and let it boil a little. Add the fish soup, tomato paste and pepper

Appetizers Pepper Salt Sugar ...

Slowly shake the prawns in the fridge, if frozen shrimps, and wipe them dry with a roll of paper. Pill the shallots and garlic and chop them all together nicely. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces. Season the onions in the oil for 4-5 minutes by steady warm

Mains Pepper Salt Large ripe mango ...

Heat the peanut oil in a pan and sauté the pieces of meat after salt and pepper is sprinkled. Step for about 3 minutes, then take it warm and keep it warm. Mix basil, parsley, garlic, vinegar and olive oil well in a blender. Cut the mango into thin slices and

Mains Pepper Salt Potatoes ...

Peel potatoes and carrots, cut them into thin slices. Clean leeks and cut them into slices. Bowl of potatoes, pears and carrots in a freezer with olive oil and "zeroes" bags for the oil have spread evenly. Spread it on the baking sheet (with baking paper) S

Sides Cayenne pepper Freshly ground black pepper Dijon mustard ...

Mix all ingredients. tips: Good for almost all kinds of meat. Can stay long in the refrigerator

Sides Garlic Onion Parsley ...

Chop the sauce well and simmer it in oil with crushed garlic on even heat for 3 minutes or until the bulbs are ready. Turn the bulgus in and add 6 dl water and 1 teaspoon salt at. Bring to boil and boil for low heat for 15 minutes. Mix chopped parsley and b

Mains Leaf parsley Chili Dill ...

Cut red onions in small tern, approx. 10 x 10 mm. Cut the tomatoes into small boats or terns. Divide the half fennel knot into coarse pieces. Blame the salad and herbs and chop it very roughly. Mix it all together, season the spices and mix again, be careful w