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Recipes with Olive oil

Bread, buns & biscuits Olive oil for lubrication of the baking plate Salt Feta cheese, crumbled ...

The yeast is dissolved in lukewarm water and mixed with flour, grahamsmel, olive oil and salt. Be well together for a smooth dough in a large bowl. Keep some flour left, as it is different how much liquid flour can absorb. The dough is covered for raisin

Mains Basil Olive oil Wheat flour ...

The peeled tomatoes are seasoned and heated with oil and basil leaves and salt. Three whole eggs are whipped together with a glass of water and a little salt for a pan. Peel the aubergines and cut them in slices along. Dissolve the slices with salt, dip into t

Lunch (to go) Pepper Salt Lukewarm water ...

Stir yeast into the water. Add the other ingredients and flour until it becomes a smooth dough. Let it stand and raise for a couple of hours, preferably longer. Slice the dough through and roll it thinly and stick round "dough" with a diameter of approx. 12

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Fresh chopped Basil Garlic ...

Broccoli cut into smaller bouquets and cook al dente in leachate water and then set aside, keep warm. The sun-dried tomatoes are chopped with the sardel fillets. Whistled pilles and the germ may be removed, cut well. The oil is heated and added tomato, sardel,

Mains Pepper Salt Leek cut into rings ...

Oil and butter are heated in a saucepan without the butter brushing up. Season the meat with salt and pepper and come into the pan. Add sage leaves, onions, leeks and garlic. The meat is browned off. Turn over until the meat is well browned on all sides. The m

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

The minced meat is brought to the father with eggs, milk, flour, chopped onion and minced parsley as well as salt, pepper. The roots are peeled and cut into large terns, which are shaken on a pan about 5 minutes. Half of the dad is laid at the bottom of

Mains Lemon juice Freshly ground black pepper Salt ...

Arrow went and chop it fine. Remove the kernels from the pepper, wash it, dip it dry and cut it into small tern. Put both pieces in a 1 tbsp. Warm oil until they are tender. Heat the oven up to 200C. Squeeze the sausage frog out of the skin and mix it wi

Soups Lemons Pepper Salt ...

Season the onions until they are clear in the olive oil, add all the other ingredients and taste with salt and pepper. Let the soup cook for about 1 hour. Serve the soup burning hot and with lots of lemon juice over.