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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Greek barbecue spice Pepper Salt ...

Set the oven to 225 degrees C. alm. oven. Rinse the chicken thighs in cold water and dry them. Scrub two of the lemons well and tear the yellow of the skull. Squeeze the juice of them. Cut the third lemon into slices for garnishing. Squeeze garlic cloves

Mains Olive oil Beef strips * It must be tbsp pepper ...

The meat, cut into neat strips, brune in olive oil, add loose and simmer for 2 minutes, then add approx. ½ dl. Water, spices and peeled tomatoes. It boils for even heat until the meat is very tender (1½ - 2 hours) The cooked pasta and the meat are served in

Sides Pepper Lemon, the juice of which Dijon mustard ...

Crush garlic with salt in a mortar. Put egg yolk and mustard in a bowl and whip it. Add the olive oil drop to drop. Once you have added a quarter of the oil, you can add it in larger quantities at a time. When all the oil is added add garlic and lemon ju

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Cut into the meat until you meet the leg. Follow the leg with the knife to both sides, so you get a pocket between the leg and the meat. Punch holes in the skin 6-8 places distributed across the club. Open cut a bit with your fingers. Crush half of the s

Sides Pepper Salt White wine vinegar ...

Peel the potatoes, cut them into smaller pieces and cook them tenderly in unsalted water. Moss them with some of the boiling water, possibly. With the help of an electric pointer. Pill and squeeze garlic cloves and mix them in the mashed potatoes. Whip alte

Bread, buns & biscuits Olive oil Salt Durummel ...

The yeast dissolves in the lukewarm water and the other ingredients are added. The whole is kneaded for 4-6 minutes until the dough is smooth and smooth. The dough must not be too firm. It feels soft at first, but stiffens during kneading and bedtime. The doug

Sides Olive oil Pepper Rosemary ...

The potatoes are scrubbed, cut into both and put in a refractory dish. Turn them in olive oil and sprinkle with salt, pepper and rosemary. The peppers are cut into the tern. The potatoes are baked in the oven at 200 degrees approx. 40 min. The potatoe

Sides Herbes de provence, dried Olive oil Pepper ...

Scrub the potatoes (like new ones) with a brush and put them in an ovenproof dish. Pour some olive oil and turn them into it. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and provence spices Bake potatoes at 200-225 degrees until they are tender, approx. 40 min. tip