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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Cilantro fresh Salt Cinnamon ground ...

Onion and garlic chopped, cut the meat into small terns, cut the potatoes into a slightly coarser tern. The oil is heated in a saucepan. Onions, garlic, meat and potatoes are added and sautéed for approx. 5 minutes. The stalk and tip are cut by the ocrins t

Mains Basil Garlic Olive oil ...

Tomato sauce: Onions and Garlic Blended and Seasoned in Olive Oil. Add thyme, Oregano, Basil, Salt and Pepper. Blend fried tomatoes, sun dried tomatoes, red pepper, parsley, lemons and pepperoni and add them and sugar. Let the sauce stand and bubble

Lunch Butter for frying AED Head lettuce ...

Mix flour and salt and whip first milk and then egg. Put thin pancakes in a little butter on a large frying pan over high heat until they are light brown. Put the pancakes on a baking sheet and pour a squeezed egg on each. Distribute ham, cheese and tomato sl

Mains Dill, fresh Tarragon, fresh Chervil, fresh ...

Spider bowl is split for a quarter, blanched in boiling water. Possibly. Of 2 times. The cabbage is picked up and dripped in a door layer. The stick is cut out and the bowl is placed in a large pan. The juice of 1 lemon and olive oil are spread over the cab

Sides Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Cut the peppers into spells, put them in a pot of vinegar, oil and spices and raise them more by medium heat

Sides Watercress, fresh Tarragon, fresh Lovage, fresh ...

Add new potatoes and turn well with oil, salt, pepper, chopped herbs. The potatoes are packed into double layer stanniol, only one layer of potatoes. Put the parcels on the grill and grill for 45-60 minutes.

Mains Freshly ground pepper Olive oil The juice of 2 lemons ...

Clean the lamb cows for any tendons. Sprinkle 9 holes in each lamb chop evenly over the entire club. Open the cut a little with your fingers. Crush half of the sage and basil with 2 cloves of garlic and 2 teaspoons of salt in a mortar. Add lemon juice, 4 ta

Sides Basil (at will) Lemon juice at will Dill (at will) ...

Crush garlic with 1 teaspoon of salt in a mortar. Put egg yolk and mustard in a bowl and whip it. Add olive oil, drop by drop. Once you have added a quarter of the oil, you can add in larger quantities at a time. When all oil is added add garlic, lemon,