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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Pepper Salt Balsam vinegar ...

Arrow the onion and chop it finely. Arrow white onion. Nip the leaves of Rosemary Garret and chop them. Heat the oil in a frying pan and Brown koteletterne 4 min on each side. Take them up, sprinkle with salt and pepper, cover with foil and style them hot. B

Soups Pepper Salt Veal bouillon Brown ...

Cut the whites of leeks into slices and rinse them well under cold water. Heat the oil in a thick-bottomed pan and sauté leek and minced garlic. Add potatoes and celery into coarse cubes, broth, Bay and thyme and simmer, covered, for about 30 mins. Remote L

Mains Fresh basil New potatoes Oil ...

The potatoes is cleaned and cooked until tender, moses with a fork together with a little olive oil and chopped Basil leaf added. File tøres thoroughly and reversed in rye flour mixed with salt and pepper. FRY in my 2-3 on each side in oil/butter mixture.

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Pita bread: Stir the yeast into the lukewarm water. Honey, flour, oil and salt in the flour is added, and it kneaded. into a uniform dough. Covered with plastic film and raises to double size. Portion dough into 15 equal chunks, form them into buns and roll th

Appetizers Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Cut the peel of lemon, grapefruit and orange, by cutting the top and bottom of, cut down along the fruit and continue next cut along the edge of the white of Peal in the previous inserts (so all the whites are vk). Filleter fruits, by cutting along the membran

Sides Olive oil Sun-dried tomato Fresh Rosemary ...

Blend all the ingredients, adjust consistency with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Tips: Tapanaden can keep for about 1 week, in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Appetizers Garlic Red chili Lime ...

Chop the tomatoes coarsely, soltøret tomato and chili very finely, and cut the spring onion into fine slices. Mix a dressing of garlic, the juice from the limeen and the oil. Mix everything and let it soak. Share the cheese into 8 pieces. Put 4 slices parma

Mains Chopped green onion Salt Feta cheese (die cut) ...

Brush the iron frying pan with olive oil and place on the plates as Danish pastry. Put the first two flip, then swipe the brush olive oil on the leaves and put two new paging on. Keep it until you've used half of the leaves. Then sprinkle spinach and salt o