Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon, zest and juice of this finrevet ...

Mix shrimp and salmon gently with lemon peel and juice, basil and parsley. Leave it in the fridge for a few hours. Season the onions, lettuce and cucumber and add the shrimp / salmon mixture to the dish and add dressing just before serving. Server possib

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Sliced ​​onions: Start here: Peel red and chopsticks and cut them out in both or half. Put them in a dish and add well with olive oil, salt and pepper. Cover with stanniol and bag them at 200 degrees C. alm. Oven for approx. 25-30 minutes until they are tende

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Cover a greased refractory dish with half the spinach leaves. The fillet fillets are cut into cubes of approx. 2x2 cm. Turn in a little butter in a saucepan, along with 1/2 bunch of fresh basil, a little garlic of pleasure, salt and pepper. Distribute the f

Mains Pepper Rhubarb Compote Salt ...

Take 2 rhubarb from (like the thinnest) clean and cut them into very thin slices. Chop the parsley and mix the rhubarb and parsley with 1 tablespoon. honey. Cut the hornfish in 3-4 pieces, fill the fillet within the belly and the fishpieces are lined with c

Mains Paprika Egg white Salt ...

Cut the breadcrumbs into 2 cm thick slices to make them as big as possible and beat them thinner with the meat hammer. Turn the slices into the light whipped egg white and then in sesame seeds and let them stand for 5-10 minutes, so the crust dries slightly an

Mains Pepper Salt Vinegar ...

The oats are cut into smaller pieces. The peppers are cleaned and cut into thin strips. The porridge is cut into small rings. The butter is heated and the mushrooms rose golden and are then taken from the forehead. The vegetables are roasted and broth added, b

Mains Fresh thyme Pepper Salt ...

Cut the pork tenderloin and cut the end pieces as it is only the middle piece that can be used (keep the rest in the freezer). Whip the eggs together and put the sirloin pieces in the egg yolks. Must last for at least ½ hour. Season the rasp with freshly ch

Mains A little olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Cut the breadcrumbs into slices of approx. 2 cm thick and brown them in butter with oil. Cut leeks and carrots into shells and lightly chop them together with the beans. Pour broth and add the meat, boil for approx. 5 minutes. Add thyme and red wine and coo