Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Dill A little sugar A little tabasco ...

Cut the celery stalks into small slices and put them in a bowl, like some of the leaves. Cut the apples in half and cut half the apples in 3 parts. Each portion is cut into thin slices and mixed with the celery hangers. Get dressed and stir around. Put i

Mains Fresh herbs (parsley, chives, etc.) Pepper Salt ...

Salmon roll: Thin slices of smoked salmon are put on a piece of kitchen film. Cream cheese and crème frâiche are whipped together and seasoned with lemon juice, salt and pepper. The cream is lubricated on the salmon slices and rolled tightly, like to roulade.

Lunch Freshly ground pepper Eggs Oil ...

Flour and baking soda are sieved in a bowl and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Rests for at least 1 hour. Split in 6-8 pieces and roll out like a thick pancake, the size of a saucer. Bake on pan, oil or clarified butter. Placed on soaking paper. App

Appetizers Balsamic vinegar, wine vinegar Olive oil Water ...

The salad is rinsed well, diced dry and handy in suitable pieces, the salmon is cut into fine slices. Mix oil, water and balsamic vinegar with finely chopped mustard and spicy basil, season with salt and pepper. On the plate, first put red, then green salad an

Mains Finely chopped green chili Finely chopped garlic Olive oil ...

Turn on the oven of 200 gr. Bowl the beans in a refractory dish with lid. Pour 1 dl. Water by and lay on Behind the beetroot approx. 45 min. Or until they seem barely tender when you put a thin pointed knife in them. Let them cool off easily. Rub the skin off

Mains Oil for brushing the bottom Sour cream 18% Smoked salmon sliced ...

Dissolve the yeast in lukewarm water and add salt, oil and flour (hold a little flour). Beat the dough well together. Cover the bowl with a lid or aluminum foil and let the dough lift a loose place approx. 40 min. Heat the oven to 225 degrees. Put a large baki

Mains Lemon Dill for garnish A little tabasco and sugar ...

Cut the celery stalks into small slices and put them in a bowl, like some of the leaves. Cut the apples in half and cut half the apples in 3 parts. Each portion is cut into thin slices and mixed with the celery hangers. Get dressed and stir around. Put i

Mains Avocado into small cubes Onion, finely chopped Leek ...

Put onion onion and garlic in olive oil until the chicken is ready. Add mustard and white wine and boil for a few minutes. Mix well with cold drip pasta. Cut the smoked salmon into thin strips. Mix vegetables and salmon strips carefully into the pasta mixture.