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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Pepper, freshly ground Salt Salad master of your choice ...

Heat a little oil on a pan and pour the deodorant golden on both sides, then on in a 200 ° C hot oven for 4 - 5 minutes. Stir Dijon mustard, balsamic vinegar and olive oil together in a bowl, taste with salt and pepper. Turn the cleaned cracked salad int

Lunch Olive oil Pepper, freshly ground Salt ...

The bread slices are roasted, mayonnaise and mustard are stirred together and lubricated on the bread slices, the oil is heated in a pan and the pepper is fry and cooled. Put the salad on the bread slices together with swordfish and peppers, season with sal

Appetizers Lemon juice Dill Different salad ...

Horseradish / apple cream: Cucumber peeled, chopped and freeze for cores. Cut into small boats, sprinkle with salt and put in a sieve for an hour so that the liquid can run away. Horseradish is torn and the apple peeled and freed for kernels, cut into small bo

Appetizers White balsamic Red Basil Ripe plums ...

Tunnel cut into thin slices and put to the bottom of a large plate. One flower is cut into small fine terns. The other is served with white balsamic, olive oil, salt and pepper-sieved and mixed with the fine tern. Felt the salad rinse and swirl, then mix wi

Mains Lemon peel, grated Liquid honey Yellow mustard seeds ...

Sprinkle carrots and parsley in thick spikes, turn them into hot oil on a thickened pan, together with honey and mustard seeds, spread them on a baking sheet with baking paper, baking them brightly in the oven at 225 gr. For approx. 25 minutes. Brush if necess

Mains Fresh basil Olive oil Arugula Salad ...

Stir the goat with finely chopped basil and divide it into 4 portions, pack the tuna around the goat cheese, warm it quickly on a hot forehead with butter and oil, just to the fish and the cheese is thin. Put the balls in the oven and chop them, cut the balls

Mains Pepper, freshly ground Salt Fresh mint ...

All ingredients are mixed in a large bowl, except mint, let the salad drain for 1 hour in a refrigerator and add the minced mint immediately before serving. For this, coarse bread and butter are served.

Mains Pepper, freshly ground Salt Flat-leaf parsley ...

Cook the pasta all the way in boiling, leached water, seal the paste and put it back into the pan. Keep it warm. Warm olive oil on a thickened pan, sauté the onions until they are soft, approx. 5 minutes, add the chopped smoked tuna and season with water. L