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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Well with thyme and Sage Corn starch Between 1/4-½ l. whipping cream recipe lets it be voluntary but I would like to recommend it ...

Spice the meat with salt and pepper and turn it with flour if necessary in a plastic bag. Bring it in a frying pan with half the oil and butter You can make it take two stews from the calf first and boil it with apple juice and cream first for at least an hou

Soups Salt Cinnamon stick Olive oil ...

Chop onion and garlic nicely and put them in the oil until ready. Add spices and continue for a few minutes. Add lentils, peeled tomatoes and broth and let the soup boil for 30 minutes. Blend if necessary. With a stagblender and add the cream. Taste - the

Mains Olive oil Cauliflower Old bread ...

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Cut garlic and sour in a pan of medium heat with butter. When the butter is melted, add the flour and heat it for one minute, then add the milk gradually and stir until the sauce is smooth. Add broccoli (cut up first if you use fre

Mains Grønsagsbullion Garlic Olive oil ...

Garlic cloves fine. Make 1 liter of vegetable bunion (electric boil / liter or pot). Heat the oil in the pan to cook the rice. Season the finely sliced ​​garlic in the warm olive oil until golden. Pour the rice and cook rice and onion until the rice has su

Mains Leg of lamb Olive oil Oregano ...

With a sharp knife you stick the lamb and stop it with a whole garlic and a good amount of oregano. I usually make "pockets" in the fridge, which I then filled out with garlic and oregano. Then you take the last two whole garlic (not fat) and squeeze into

Lunch Bread cubes from 3-4 pieces of white bread A handful of finely chopped thyme A small handful of chorizo cut into cubes ...

Stir the breadcrumbs in oil for a couple of minutes. Then add onions, garlic, thyme, potatoes and peppers and stir for a few minutes. Then add the tern of chorizo ​​and ham and it all roast well until it's crispy. Eating with a good salad.

Mains A good handful of parmesan Spaghetti (about 400-600 grams) Cayenne pepper ...

Peel the bulbs and cut them into coarse pieces, and do the same with garlic. Pour most of the olive oil into a large pan and add the onions and garlic together with the dried herbs, chili and cayenne pepper. Give the onions a large sprinkle of salt and pepper

Salads Lemon Cabbage (large) Liquid honey ...

The juice from the lemon and possibly. Finely chopped, mix with honey, chopped garlic and olive oil in a large bowl. The spider bowl is cut well, the carrots are peeled and cut into fine slices with the peel. It can be eaten immediately, but it will be best i