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Recipes with Cinnamon

Cakes A little finely grated lemon rind Bicarbonate of soda Vanilla sugar ...

Carrot Muffin / Cake: 1) Hazard and oil are stirred together. 2) The eggs are stirred at one time. 3) The dry parts are mixed and sieved in the mixture. 4) Finally, the carrots are reversed. Bake at 185º alm. Oven or 165º hot air Can be made either into

Cakes in form Salt Coffee Cinnamon ...

Add almonds / walnuts to the food processor and blend them to the nearest nutmeg. Then come in and blend it again. The dates can be replaced with raisins, but the raisins will taste more through. Bring the rest of the ingredients into the food processor and ru

Cakes in form Pearl sugar-icing sugar or almond flakes Salt Sugar ...

• Preheat the oven 250 degrees. • Melt the butter in a small saucepan / saucepan. • Pour the milk and leave the mixture to approx. 37 degrees (about small finger hot). • Dissolve yeast in the mixture. • Add salt, sugar and cardamom. • Add 2/3 of the flour

Various Water Cinnamon Wheat flour ...

Peel the apples cut them into small pieces of dried brown fennel and cinnamon get some water on. Cook the apples until they are almost tender. Mix topping. Put the apples in a greased fireproof dish, sprinkle topping over Bake at 200 degrees c. Warm air for

Desserts (patisserie) Vermicelli according to your choice Cinnamon Vanilla sugar ...

Bring cream and cinnamon into a pan. Heat the mixture while stirring to the boil. Let it simmer a few minutes then. Chop chocolate and nougat into smaller pieces and put it in a bowl. Pour the hot cream over nougat and chocolate. Let it stand for a minute

Desserts (cold) Salt Cheasy a-38 or buttermilk Liquid acacia honey ...

Ingredients mix well - use the dough hooks in your handpieces. Poured into shape as desired, I have used a large pie shape, you can also use a spring shape or a breadcrumb. Porcelain shapes are not to be treated, the cake is fine, but metal can possibly. Lined

Mains Basil Lemon juice Cinnamon ...

Transfer the rice to the packaging according to the instructions. Chop the chop perfectly and grate garlic and ginger. Season in oil on a sauté pan or in a pan. Come spice up, turn around and switch. Put the chicken in the spice mixture. Season with salt and p

Breakfast & brunch Allspice Cinnamon Butter ...

How to do it: Chop nuts and almonds roughly and shake them on a dry pan until they start to get a little color. Crush the biscuits and shake them on a pan with butter, sugar and spices until butter and sugar have disappeared. Mix the nuts, berries and the bis