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Recipes with Cinnamon

Drinks (warm) Chopped almonds Rome Raisins ...

A couple of days (or weeks) before pouring rooms in addition to the raisins, they are placed in a refrigerator under tight closing lid. The day before, pour 1 liter of red wine into a small saucepan. Spices, sugar, lemon, orange and water are boiled and boiled

Drinks (warm) Cinnamon Red wine Lemon ...

Pour red wine into an enamelled pot and add cinnamon and cardamom into a small gazepose. Heat up to slightly below boiling point, turn under the pan and allow the wine to draw under low for about 5 minutes. Add sugar, lemon juice and thin strips of yellow peel

Drinks (cold) EVS. a little schnapps Ginger Nutmeg ...

Rinse the fruits thoroughly and then mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and let them simmer for 40-50 minutes. Pour the mixture into a bowl - through a sieve - and let it cool and cool. Then put it in the refrigerator. Before serving the bowl, bring it to t

Cakes in form Baking soda Cream Cinnamon ...

Whip egg and Atwel light and airy. Eel almonds, flour, baking soda, lemon peel, all spices and cream essence in. Load baking paper on 2 baking plates, and benefit 40 molds on them. (Alu Shapes or the like.) Fill the honey cake in a large-sized syringe bag a

Sides Apples Puff pastry Sour cream ...

Butterdej rolls out thinly. Squeeze and bake with a little pearl sugar 200 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes. Apples are flushed and cut in both without cores. Sauteres w / cinnamon sugar Cream fry whipped with cinnamon sugar. The butter dough is broken - the apple

Cakes in form Oil Atwel or perfect fit (sweetener) Baking soda ...

The eggs are whipped well. Wheat flour, sweetener, baking soda and cinnamon are sifted in. The carrots are peeled and rubbed roughly or finely. Carefully turn the oil and the crushed carrots in. The dough is poured into a greased little frying pan. Cook the ca

Cakes Hermes etas dryslet Cardamom Salt ...

Stir the yeast into a little lukewarm water. Mix all the ingredients together (let the fat cool) and knead the dough together. Roll the dough onto a plate and allow it to rise. Mix the cranberries, apples and Hermesetas Dried together and spread the mixture on

Cakes in form Carnations Strøget baking soda Ginger ...

Egg whips whip stiff with sweetener. Here comes margarine, milk, flour, baking powder and spices. The dough is stirred quickly. Poured into a greased form. Bake at 175 degrees C. alm. Oven for approx. 45 minutes. tips: P.S .: Ginger is good to stir in w