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Recipes with Cinnamon

Desserts (cold) Serve with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream Butter or margarine to form Eggs ...

Let the milk boil and then lower the heat. Gently pour the corn flour in stirring and continue stirring until the mixture becomes thick, about 5 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let it cool for 10 minutes. Add the fat, egg, syrup, ginger and

Desserts (warm) EVS. a little lemon zest Form: approx. 18 x 23 x 5 cm Cinnamon ...

Remove the crusts and cut the crumb into the block. Hot chocolate, cream, cream, sugar, butter + cinnamon in the water bath. Stir well. Whip the eggs and pour the chocolate mix in, whip thoroughly. Fill approx. 1 cm in lubricated form. Lay half the loaves o

Cakes Cardamom Salt Water ...

Lukewarm milk and water. Dissolve yeast. The rest of the ingredients are added. Eat well and set aside for a warm place about 1 hour. Meanwhile the filling is stirred together. Tear or pick the marcipan into pieces. The rest comes in and everything is well co

Cookies Allspice Cardamom Cinnamon ...

1. Heat, dough and butter are heated in a pan by medium heat. The mixture must melt to a uniformly thick liquid but must not boil. 2. Mix flour, baking soda and spices into a bowl. 3. Almonds and nuts chopped nicely in a blender. Orange peel and papaya a

Candy Food coloring Corn syrup Cinnamon ...

Stove: Medium hot Start taking a saucepan. Add sugar, water, cinnamon and possibly corn syrup or fruit color. Turn it around, turn on the stove and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Keep an eye on the mixture, but DO NOT rotate the mixture. Deep a spoon into the

Cakes in form Butter Cinnamon Clementines ...

Crush the biscuits into sawdust in a bowl. Mix the cinnamon in the biscuits. Melt the butter and mix it with the biscuits. Divide the biscuit mixture into a pie and press the bottom flat and as firmly as possible. Prepare the base for 10 minutes in a 200 d

Cakes in form Cinnamon Salt Eggs ...

Heat the oven to 190 degrees. Grease 12 muffin molds or use paper muffin molds. Stir the butter and sugar thoroughly together. Add eggs and whip until the mass is uniform. Add the banana and vanilla. Mix flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon and stir the mix

Desserts (warm) Glykose syrup Lemon juice Cinnamon ...

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and stir well. Put the dough to rest for 45 minutes. Behind the waffles.