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Recipes with Cinnamon

Cakes A little salt Wheat flour Egg white ...

Mix the dough until it just drops the table (it must be slightly glued) Raises for 30-40 min. Roll out the dough, butter the batter, but not completely to the edge. Roll to a roulade. Cut the roulade into 2 cm. Thick slices and put them on a baking sheet

Sides Salt Cinnamon Kardemommme-bolls ...

Let the rice soak in the water for 20 minutes. In the saucepan. Turn on the fire and let them boil for hot heat with the spices for 5 minutes. Pour the water from (the spices sort yourself). tips: Served for Indian food, such as Tikka Masala chicken.

Cakes in form Fat for lens molds Cinnamon Red cocktail cherries ...

1. Stir the fat and sugar together, add one egg at a time. 2. Mix flour, baking soda and cream in. 3. Cut the peeled apples into cubes and turn them into sugar and cinnamon. 4. Bring 1 lever. Dough in each greased lentil form, then an apple pie and again a

Desserts (warm) FAT to form Cinnamon Granulated sugar according to taste ...

1. Lubricate the spring shape. 2. Pour the flour into the grease, add the flour and knead the dough quickly. Dress the spring shape with the dough - also a good deal upside down. 3. Peel the apples and cut them into thin boats. Put them in the mold over the

Cakes in form Desiccated coconut Butter or margarine Baking soda ...

1. Grease a spring mold with grease and sprinkle some coconut flour. 2. Chop the chocolate roughly. 3. Peel the apples and cut them in both. Turn them into flour and cinnamon. 4. Stir fat and flourish white and foaming. Add the eggs one at a time. Turn flou

Cakes in form Salt Coarsely chopped nuts (Walnut, hazelnuts or almonds) Cinnamon ...

Boil and mix the vegetables into a thick soup. Mix it with the other ingredients. Stir thoroughly. Advantage of shape and rear for 25 minutes at 180 degrees approx. Check with a knitting needle or pinch. tips: Make a regular icing or a creamy cream cheese

Desserts (warm) Remonce Salt Brown sugar ...

The yeast is stirred in the warm milk. Sugar is added. Flour and salt are mixed and added gradually with the butter. The dough is kneaded well and raised to a slanting place with a damp cloth over 25 minutes. The dough is thrown down and rolled on a fl

Drinks (cold) Cinnamon Cardamom Nutmeg ...

Divide the eggs into plums and whites. Whip the egg yolks and half of the sugar into an eggshell. Whip the whites with the other half of the sugar. Mix both and whip at low speed milk, rum, whiskey, and half of the cream and vanilla sugar together. Sprinkle th