Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Cinnamon

Soups Finely grated must of ½ lemon Oil Cinnamon ...

Onions and garlic are exchanged in oil. The chives, whole chilli and ginger are added and shuffled for 1 minute. Potatoes, pumpkin and broth are added and the soup cooks under low for 20 minutes. Remove the chili, add half of the cream and mix the soup into

Candy Little black color-if you thought Cinnamon Pepper (shock) ...

Mix sugar, glucose and water in a pan hot until it's 157 degrees C warm. Pour onto a mashboard with a little oil on (or multiple baking paper). Keep the warm and flowing mass in the chess on the plate. Pour all the flavors on and mix. When the mass drops the p

Cakes in form Baking soda Salt Vaniliesukker ...

Eggs and sugar are whipped frothy, oil is whipped and squash is stirred in. Flours, herbs, spices and kernels are mixed and turned into the dough. Bake for approx. 1 hour at 175 degrees

Cake add-ons Baking soda Cinnamon Salt ...

Eggs & amp; Melis is whipped well the same after it comes in tips: Bake v.200c / 180c for approx. An hour is seen after a 1/2 hour time

Mains Cinnamon Olive oil/other cooking oil Pepper ...

Season the onions in the pan / pan until they are lightly browned and then add the meat. When the meat is almost fried in, add the wine and let it stand for 2-3 minutes at medium heat. Add tomato, bay leaves, salt, pepper, cinnamon and sugarcake. Let it stan

Various Æber Sugar Cinnamon ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees normal oven. Cut the apples into bars approx. 1 cm thick. Mix sugar and cinnamon. Place apples on a baking sheet with baking paper on. Pour the cane sugar over and mix it (easiest with your hands). Spread them out Throw them in

Mains 0.5 TSP. Sambal oylek Pepper Salt ...

Cut and chop the vegetables into suitable pieces. Melt the butter in a large pot of oil and curry and let the curry "burn off". Season the onions and garlic until they are golden. Add vegetables and sweets until they have thrown all the veins. Add tomatoes, br

Cakes Cinnamon Chocolate Butter ...

Melt chocolate and butter in a saucepan by low heat and let it cool off. Whip eggs and sugar in the chocolate mix. Finally, stir the flour and cinnamon thoroughly. Bake the cake in a round shape at 175 degrees Celsius. Oven for 20 - 25 minutes. When the ca