Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Cinnamon

Cakes in form Cocoa Melted margarine Bicarbonate of soda ...

200 degrees for approx. 30 min Whip it all together at once and throw it in the oven. Ice cream: start melting the margarine in a saucepan and pour the rest of the ingredients into the pan with the melted margarine.

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Cardamom Skimmed milk ...

Mash the pitch and whip together with eggs and spices, then add flour a bit at a time so it does not clumber when the flour is stirred in add the milk a bit at a time. Stir a few minutes on each side of the forehead

Cakes Nutmeg Milk Salt ...

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Mix all dry ingredients together in a bowl. Then stir all the wet ingredients until there are no lumps in the dough. Put the dough into muffin molds. Bake for 20-25 minutes until they are slightly golden at the edge. Whil

Porridge & gruel Cinnamon Sugar for spreading eventually Water ...

Pour ribs and water into a pan and put it in a boil. As soon as it boils, add sugar, cinnamon and vanilla sugar. Let it boil for 5 minutes during rebellion. Remove the pan from the hot hob. Sprinkle potato flour during constant rebellion to prevent it from

Cakes in form Cream cheese cream/icing Salt Baking soda ...

Whip ginger and egg well together into an airy mass. Add the cracked carrots. Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl and stir them in the dough. Bring it in a greased pan, about 25x35 cm. Bake the cake at 190 degrees on the middle shelf for 25-35 minutes. Let

Buffets Bornholmsk canola oil Cinnamon Cardamom ...

Dissolve the yeast in water then egg oil cardamom cinnamon vanilla and sugar in Then bring the flour in and stir until the dough is lind and thin, pour water or oil until the dough has the correct consistency tips: Low fat and airy

Drinks (cold) Cinnamon Vaniliesukker Banana ...

Blend all the ingredients, except cinnamon, together. Remember to take the stones out of the cherries. Smoothie pour on glass and finish with sprinkle of cinnamon. Bon appetite!

Cakes in form Whipped cream or cream fraice Water Cinnamon ...

porridge: The rabbits are cut for 2-3 cm. Long pieces are steamed with water until they are tender, add sugar and vanilla and smooth with maizena soaked in water. When the compote is cooked evenly, take it off the heat and pour into a greased pie dish. top