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Recipes with Cinnamon

Desserts (patisserie) Cinnamon Cane sugar Egg whites ...

Egg whites are mixed with cane sugar and cinnamon and stand 1/2 hour to dissolve the sugar The whole thing is thoroughly stirred until it has a brown brown color Sprinkle into small garlic pieces and decorate with almonds or hazelnuts Baked in the middle of

Cakes in form Milk Baking soda Cinnamon ...

Whip egg sugar white leaf then flour and baking soda in tube then butter and milk and cinnamon i Fill half up in the mold Peel the apples and cut them into slices and spread them on the dough and mix sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle on 200 degrees 14-16min

Drinks (cold) Liquid atamon Red apples Cinnamon ...

Cut apples into large pieces and remove the kernels. Pour apples and water into a 5 liter pan, put on low boil and bring to a boil. Boil for 30 minutes. Say the juice from the apples. Pour the juice back into the pan and cook again. Add the sauce and ci

Cakes in form An oblong rye bread or cake form approximately 22 × 12 cm Cocoa powder Salt ...

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees hot air and butter the mold with butter. Mix flour, soda, cinnamon and salt in a bowl. Whip sugar and egg with an electric whip for approx. 5 minutes to mix is ​​white, thick and foamy. Slowly pour the oil into the egg mixture

Cakes Eggs Brown sugar Fruit cocktail with juice ...

Mix sugar, flour, baking soda and salt. Cocktail fruit with juice mixed with 1 mashed egg. The two pitions are mixed together. Then pour it into a sping form. The dough is sprinkled but cinnamon, then brownfarin and last nuts / almonds. Before putt

Desserts (patisserie) Cinnamon Vanilla sugar Icing sugar ...

Crush the biscuits into small crumbs and mix them with the melted butter. Push it out into a pie shape (not a spring shape). Bake in the oven at 175 degrees for 7 minutes. Whip cheese, sugar, vanilla sugar and eggs together. When the shell is baked, remove

Drinks (cold) Liquid atamon Blackberries Cinnamon ...

Pour blackberry and water into a large pot, put on the lid and cook the pot. Boil soft for 30 minutes. Put the juice off and pour it back into the pan. Add the juice, vanilla sugar and cinnamon and boil for 5 minutes. Add the atamon and pour the juice into

Cakes in form Raisins Baking soda Cinnamon ...

Turn on the oven on 200 gr. Peel and tear carrots, beat egg into bowl and whip them creamy with sugar, add oil. Mix flour, baking soda, soda and cinnamon and mix it into the egg mixture. Chop nuts roughly and add them as well as carrot and rosin. Pour in mol