Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Pickling Blackcurrant, fresh Sugar Water ...

The berries are rinsed and placed in a pan with the water. Boil until all the berries are broken, approx. 10 min. All of it is put into dripping in a juice bag for 1-2 hours.

The amount of the dripped juice is measured.
To each liter sieved juice:
350 gra...

Drinks (cold) Elderberry, fresh Water Sugar ...

The carriers are rinsed and the coarse stems are cut off, the apples are cut in both. Put in a pan with the water and boil until all the juice has been extracted from the fruit. All of it is put into dripping in a juice bag for 1-2 hours.

The amount of the ...

Pickling Water Ribs, fresh Sugar ...

The rinsed berries are boiled with water. The water barely covers the fruits. Boil until all berries are broken, approx. 20 min.

All of it is put into dripping in a juice bag for 1-2 hours.

The amount of the dripped juice is measured.
To each liter siev...

Pickling Cores of ¼ of the cherries Water Cherry ...

The cherries are stoned and placed in a pan with the water, approx. 2/3 covered. Boil for approx. 20 min. All of it is put into dripping in a juice bag for 1-2 hours. The amount of the dripped juice is measured, the sugar is added and boiled until all the suga...

Pickling Water Strawberry Sugar per litre sieved juice ...

The rinsed berries are boiled with water. The water barely covers the fruits. Boil until all berries are broken, approx. 20 min. All of it is put into dripping in a juice bag for 1-2 hours. The amount of the dripped juice is measured, the sugar is added and bo...

Drinks (cold) Water Raspberry Sugar per litre sieved juice ...

The rinsed berries are boiled with water. The water barely covers the fruits. Boil until all berries are broken, approx. 20 min. All of it is put into dripping in a juice bag for 1-2 hours. The amount of the dripped juice is measured, the sugar is added and bo...

Drinks (cold) Water Fruit, URf.eks. blackcurrant, redcurrant, rhubarb, plums, gooseberries, strawberries Sugar per litre sieved juice ...

The rinsed berries are boiled with water. The water barely covers the fruits. Boil until all berries are broken, approx. 20 min. All of it is put into dripping in a juice bag for 1-2 hours. The amount of the dripped juice is measured, the sugar is added and bo...

Drinks (cold) Apollinaris Vanilieis Raspberry-strawberry or cherry juice ...

Pour Vanilla ice cream, milk and juice into a whiskey glass. Fill with apollinaris and server with spoon and straw....