Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Sides Kirsch Vanilla Water ...

Wash and dry the cherries and remove the stems. Cut the vanilla bar throughout. Bring the water and sugar into a saucepan and let it boil for approx. 10 minutes. Add the vanilla, the almonds and finally the cherries. Let it boil for 5 minutes.

Let the cherr...

Desserts (cold) Cherry wine Pickled cherries Isinglass ...

Roll the blister blades together and put the roll into a glass of cold water for soaking; Rain with approx. 8 minutes. Put the cherries from the layers, save the juice. Cut half of them roughly. Whip the cream to the foam. Mix ½ dl of sifted juice, until it is...

Desserts (warm) Sugar Cinnamon, ground Butter ...

Crumble the butter in the flour. Add sugar, cinnamon and cream fry and knead the dough lightly. Put the dough in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Mix cherries, possibly. Sugar and corn starch in a bowl.

Smash and chop almonds roughly.

Roll 3/...

Cakes in form Chocolate vermicelli Cocktail cherries EVS. 2 tablespoons cherry liqueur ...

Whip egg yolks, vanilla sugar and sugar to light foam. Sift flour, baking soda, corn oil and cocoa together. Whip the egg whites stiff. The egg whites are turned into the egg yolks. Mix the flour gradually and gently mix it together. Fill the mass into a sprin...

Mains A tad marascino or brandy A little sour cream Toothpicks ...

The ham is wrapped in aluminum foil, put in the preheated oven and fry approx. 2 hours at 180 ° C. Inject honey, coffee and spices for 10 minutes. Over low flare to an icing. When the ham has fried for 2 hours, take it out of the oven, open the foil, and fry t...

Desserts (warm) Corn flour Risgryn Vanilla ...

Rice flour, milk and vanilla are boiled under stirring and poured into a refractory bowl. Put it in a hot oven, 150 degrees for 35 minutes. Cool. When the porridge has cooled, stir the egg whites and sugar in. Brown little butter on a pan, form the baked rice ...

Desserts (cold) Fruit compote, f. ex on cherries or plums Salt Vanilla ...

Boil the rice to loose rice with water, salt and vanilla. Let the rice draw with the water for 12 minutes, boil, put on the lid, turn down the heat and boil for 12 minutes. Let the rice draw for another 12 minutes under the lid. Then remove the lid and allow t...

Cakes in form Cocoa Sugar or icing sugar Ground cinnamon ...

Pour the cherries into a sieve and let them drip well. Template almonds and nuts. Stir Margerine and sugar well together. Stir the egg yolks in one at a time. Add lemon juice. Mix cinnamon, flour and baking soda and gently turn it together with almonds and nut...