Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Butter bun Barolo wine (barbaresco) Fish broth ...

Ask the fishmonger to clean the trout. Cut it into fingernail slices. Sprinkle a refractory dish with the melted butter. Chop carrot mustard and onion celery very well and spread them in the dish with the spices. Distribute the fish upstairs with a few chunks ...

Mains Olive oil Pepper Juice from 1 lime ...

Heat a little olive oil on a pan and raise the fish - only on one side! When it's hot. Take it carefully. Hot spinach and garlic on the forehead. Add lime and mint. Turn it all together and season with salt and pepper. Server for the good salmon....

Mains EVS. 3 fillets of smoked trout to fill the shape with small portions Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Cut the 300 grams of red meat in the tern and grind them into a smooth father with egg whites. Place the dad in the freezer for 10 minutes. And gently stir the cream from the ice-cold daddy. Season with salt and pepper. Add finely chopped dill and the 300 gram...

Salads Pepper Juice from ½ lemon Lettuce as desired ...

Pick the fish in rough pieces. Dressing: Stir mustard with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Stir olive oil in a little while. Turn dressing with salad and capers. Count on two plates with the fish over. Server with toasted rye bread....

Mains Pepper Salt Dijon mustard ...

Place slices of the smoked salmon on a piece of household film next to each other. Stir the smoked trout with mayonnaise, mustard, mustard, salt and pepper. Spread it over the salmon and roll into a close "sausage". Roll a piece of stannol extra so that it rem...

Mains Pepper Salt Flat-leaf parsley, chopped ...

Cook the pasta as directed in a pan of boiling lightly salted water. Pour the water and put the pasta back into the pan. Turn with chopsticks, picked fish (without bones) and parsley. Season with salt and plenty of freshly ground pepper....

Salads Fresh salad as desired Good bread Pepper ...

Stir smoke with mustard, salt and pepper. Pick the smoked trout, cut the tomatoes in quarters. Turn the dish together with tomatoes, cress and pickled trout. Order on crisp salad and server with a good bread....

Mains Vegetables called Potatoes Pepper ...

Bacon is laid on a breadboard side by side as long as the fish. The fish are thoroughly cleaned and filed, the remaining bones are peeled out, one fillet is placed on the bacon and vegetables and lobster peels are filled upstairs, then the other fillet is laid...