Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Pepper Salt Firskhakket/dried thyme ...

Chop the liver with a knife and stir it together with the pork tenderloin and the other ingredients for a farce. When using the bacon, they are shaken first on a pan before adding to the farmer. Cut the tenderloin on the long joint and make it easy for a unifo...

Mains Pepper Salt Finely chopped onion ...

Stir all the ingredients of marinade together.

Boil the bowls in water with bay leaves, salt and pepper corn for approx. 1.5-2 hours until they are well tender. The water must cover the legs and the pan is skimbed off.

Let the legs dripping well and put ...

Mains Fresh chopped herbs (chives-Basil-parsley) Oil Cayenne pepper ...

Stir the ingredients to a smooth father pulling approx. ½ hour in the refrigerator.

Divide the dad in 4-6 pieces. Form the dad so that it can cover a slice of bread for approx. 2 cm. thickness. Brush with oil and grill the meat by medium heat, not too close...

Mains Fresh chopped herbs to taste (Dill, basil, chives) Oil for brushing Pepper ...

Brush the chops with oil and season with pepper and grill them approx. 4 min. On each side at medium heat, not too close to the glow. Season with salt and let them rest approx. 5 min. On a dish. Stir cream fry and whipped cream together. Season with lemon, sal...

Mains Oil for brushing Pepper Salt ...

Brush the tenderloin with oil, season with pepper and grill it approx. 15 min. on every side. Season with salt and let it rest easily covered for approx. 15 min. Cut the tenderloin in medallions a 2½ cm. Thickness after rest time.

Boil the cream on a pan to...

Mains Oil for brushing Nutmeg. whole Pepper ...

Spinach Sauce:
Remove the stem from the fresh spinach and rinse it twice. The spinach is then cut into strips and swirled in butter with nutmeg, salt and pepper. Sprinkle the spinach, cool it and stir it with cream fraiche and lime juice.

Clean th...

Mains Mirin (use possibly sweet vermouth) Sake (use possibly dry cinzano) Soy ...

To the sauce mix everything except meat and Maizena in a saucepan and boil approx. ½ minute. But beware: It boils easily!

Øs ¾ dl. Of the sauce into a separate bowl. It will later be used as marinade for the chicken thighs.

Wash the meat, dry the meat an...

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse sea salt Pepper ...

Sprinkle the steaks with coarse sea salt and freshly ground pepper, then brush with a thin layer of oil so that they do not stick to the grill. The steaks are grilled, depending on the size, for approx. 6 min. On each side until they are medium - let them drag...