Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Desserts (warm) Small bag of almond splitter Whipped cream Chocolate buttons ...

Rinse the bananas, they should not peel. Lay them so they do not roll in a dish. Dash them along. Squeeze chocolate and almond slices into the frying pan and place them in a preheated oven at 100 degrees for approx. 10 min. Keep an eye on them, chocolate must ...

Desserts (cold) Vanilla ice cream Whipped cream Hazelnut flakes ...

The bananas are peeled. Stitched along and arranged on four plates.

The cream is whipped to foam. Vanilla ice cream is shaped into balls with a spoon and laid between each spotted banana. (About three balls in each) Chocolate sauce poured over.

Decorate ...

Pickling Atamon Water Salt ...

The peeled and squared pumpkin is cut into strips approx. 1 cm wide and put in brine approx. 1 day.

The grapefruit strips are then taken up and sewed out.

Season the edible with sugar 1 min. Bring the pumpkin pieces and slowly bring them to the boiling p...

Desserts (cold) Water Vanilla ice cream Dark chocolate ...

The bananas are peeled and flaked. Chocolate and water are placed in a frying pan and warmed slowly and whipped through. The almonds are shaken on the dry pan. The cream is whipped. Serve with pancakes with bananas and ice-cream at the bottom, pour with chocol...

Pickling Chalotteløg Laurel White pepper ...

The Asians are peeled and sprinkled with salt and stand for a day. They are wiped and glassed together with spices, strips of pepper and pinned scalloped onions. Vinegar and sugar boil and pour hot over that the atamon is added and it is bound to....

Pickling Mixed spices asie Sugar Asier ...

The Asians are dried in a dish, then peeled, flaked and the kernels removed. Put them in a jar of salt with salt, chopped onion, spice bag, rinsed, dried dried grapes and pepper roast divided into quarters. Put a plate over to pressure. Leave it 12 hours, a co...

Pickling Juice and finely grated shell of 2 lemons Courgette Honey ...

The layers are boiled up. The courgettes are flushed and cut into cubes. The layer is poured over. The courgettes can be served once they have cooled in the law....

Pickling Vinegar White pepper Onion ...

Water and salt boil and cool. The squash is split and cut into 1 cm wide pieces. The salt layer is poured over and it is standing overnight. Wipe and place in glass. Hive horseradish, mix vinegar, sugar and white pepper and cook it up. The peppers and the slic...