Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Desserts (cold) Lemon balm Almonds Orange (peeled and cut in slices) ...

Eggs and sugar are whipped to an airy mass. Then add flour, baking soda and finally turn the nuts gently. Bake in the middle of the oven in a spring form at 180 degrees for approx. 15 minutes.

The orange slices where the white meat and kernels are removed a...

Sides Freshly ground pepper Salt Potatoes ...

The potatoes are boiled and cut into slices. The garlic chopped and mixed with tahini, and gradually a few spices were added. Water and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper, pour over the potatoes and mix. Sprinkle with parsley....

Mains Lumpfish ROE ...

Stenbiderrogn must be completely fresh and smell of sea. You can buy both purified and unclean stone beetroot. The uncleaned is by nature the cheapest.

Cut the skin up along the rope. Scrape the eggs from the skin with a spoon and put them in a bowl. If you...

Mains Marinade Pepper Salt ...

Sprinkle some salt and pepper on the stewed fillets and stir in butter on a pan for approx. 10 minutes on each side.

Make the anchovy marinated by chopping the anchovies nicely and squeeze the juice of the lemon. Stir marinade together with anchovies, lemon...

Mains Marinade Herbs Dill ...

Remove the barriers on the fillets, or ask the fishmonger to do so. Cut the fillets into pieces of approx. 5 cm, and put the fish pieces in a bowl. Overlay the fish with soy sauce and white wine and let the fish pull in the marinade for approx. 15 minutes.


Mains Artichoke bottoms (or canned) Lemon juice Breading breadcrumbs ...

The fish is cleaned and filleted. Then put it in the kitchen sink and sprinkle with a little coarse kitchen salt. Boiling water is poured over the fillets, as the consistency becomes very nice. After draining, the fish is paned and butter or margarine and a li...

Appetizers Fresh dill or chives Pepper Salt ...

Smash the smoked bites, remove bones and split the meat into smaller pieces. Stir parsley and roast together and add the diced dill or chives. Season with lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Whip egg whites stiff with a knsp. Salt and turn it into the fish stock....

Mains Sea salt A little egeløvsalat, if necessary. Dandelion and watercress A little f salad ...

Stenbider scrapes, bowl in large bowl of ice-cold water and whip with whipping to collect barriers. Rinse the rice regularly When finished, pour the roast into a sieve and sprinkle with salt and pull the sieve.

The potato is grated on raw rice and is formed...