Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Sides Lemon Minced parsley Coriander ...

Peel the lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. Mix lemon peel and juice with the other ingredients for marinade. Bring the meat in a plastic bag together with marinade and place it in the refrigerator for 12-14 hours. Turn occasionally so that all the meat co...

Mains EVS. danablue Salt/pepper Celery ...

The meat is cut and the grease is cut in rudder pattern. The meat is rubbed with salt / pepper, put in marinade at least 12-16 hours in the refrigerator.

The steps are taken up and coated with the butter, put in a pan on a layer of parsley, thyme, onion, ca...

Soups Little herbal croutons Pepper Salt ...

The porridge is put into water and allowed to suck it within 10-15 minutes, then placed in the pan together with the rest of the ingredients. Boil for 5-6 minutes, season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle the croutons into the soup just before it is eaten, so the...

Mains Small can of tomato puree Olive oil Dried herbs ...

30 minutes before cooking, onion and mushrooms are soaked in 300 ml of water.

Put the pasta 20 minutes later.

Stir the garlic in the oil for a few minutes. Add sliced ​​onions and mushrooms incl. water.

Add herbs and tomato sauce and freeze dried peas...

Soups Vegetables in you have at hand eg Leek or red pepper Bouillon cube Lemon ...

Pork, cut into paper-thin slices, keep in mind the advertisements of various useless kitchen knives, and then cut it out as you are sellers in knives. It must be thin meat strips that can be swiftly oiled and ready to eat within 2 minutes, no more.

After th...

Soups A splash of olive oil EVS. grated cheese Broth of 1 cube ...

The onions are soaked in water for approx. 20 minutes. 1 clove of garlic crushed and thoroughly seasoned in the oil. The onions must only be glassy.

Then pour the broth over and simmer for approx. 20 minutes.

The soup is flavored with your spice favorite...

Mains East Indian curry from knorr Tuna in water Powder-mashed potatoes ...

Stir the Knorr mixture up with water (read the package how much) and add the tuna.

If you want to save water, you can soak up the water from the tuna.

When buying powdered moss, keep in mind that it contains skimmed-milk powder, that is, the kind where w...

Bread, buns & biscuits A little spice, if desired. Curry or thyme Baking soda Salt ...

You can replace approx. ¼ of flour with kernels or coarse flour to make the bread a little more delicious and nutritious. You have the mixture in a plastic bag and just add water when you're out there. When the dough has the right consistency, shake the bread ...