Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Honey Olive oil Pepper ...

Chop 1 onion and 4 cloves of garlic. Sprinkle and chop olives roughly. Mix all the ingredients of meatballs and shape the balls.

Wash the potatoes and cut them in both. Half cut and cut into slices. Forge onion and potatoes in a dish and add olive oil, salt...

Drinks (cold) Cold coffee Milk Ice cubes ...

Put the ice cubes all in one glass or match them into a bag and crush them into smaller pieces with a meat hammer or a cake roll and pour them into the glass.
Fill the jar half with cold coffee.
Fill milk at the top.
Stir around and server....

Desserts (cold) Orange peel thereof Lemons juice thereof Water ...

Bring freshly ground orange peel, sugar and water gently into a saucepan in a small saucepan.
Let it simmer until the sugar is dissolved.
Stir the syrup together with the juice from the oranges and lemons.
Pour the ice-cream into molds, plug ice cubes and f...

Mains Bread Sour cream Guacamole ...

Grate onions and beans to the meatballs and chop jalapenos well. Mix all the ingredients of the meatballs thoroughly and form the meatballs.

Chop the onions to the beans roughly and sauté them in olive oil, together with the cumin sauce. Chop the garlic and...

Mains Curry Corn Pepper ...

Sweat bacon until they have given enough fat to sweat onions. Sweat the onions and then brown the meat in the pan.

Add chopped tomatoes and tomato pure, boil it.

Add piquant cheese, water, bullion, cream, vegetables and rice.

Season with spices.


Cold cuts Allspice Come nellik Forsaltet roll sausage ...

The sifted roll sausage is packed up and all the ingredients are laid on. Then pack it back together, the net is over. Can be done using plastic pipes or just by hand.
Then put the sauerkraut in a French bread form, pour water into the oven's oven, 2 hours at...

Mains Cotton cord to bale Pepper Salt ...

The sever is cut off the bacon nuts (keep the fat for later).
The jaws are cleaned for the tendons and cut on the longest end of the thinnest side (not completely) so that three cohesive layers can be folded out.
Place all unfolded with outer sides facing up...

Mains Freshly ground pepper Tender twigs of Rosemary and/or thyme Squash in coarse pieces ...

Grease a large pan with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Put the frozen (not thawed) chicken breast and all the vegetables cut into large bites. The carrots can be cut lengthwise, like the squash and possibly. the peppers. If you want potatoes in (good!) They are p...