Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Salads Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Water ...

Bring water and salt to boil in a saucepan.
Add the potatoes and cook them at low heat and under low for about 12 minutes. Or until they are tender.
Pil the potatoes and let them cool off.
Stir freshly, water and other ingredients together.
Cut the potatoe...

Cakes EVS. 100 g chopped dark chocolate Icing sugar Little green color paste ...

Dough: Whip egg whites stiff. Turn sugar and egg yolks in. Sift potato flour, baking soda, cocoa, coffee powder, and vanilla sugar. Come in. Chopped dark chocolate in when the dough is uniform. Distribute the dough into a deep baking sheet baked with baking pa...

Sides Chili at will Fenugreek seeds Coriander seeds ...

Heat the oil on a pan
Bring all the dry stuff on the other and warm until it starts to smell.
Get the tail in a minihacker with the puree and blend into a pasta....

Various Vermicelli Bananas Dark gold ingot ...

Cut the bananas into 12 small pieces
Melt the golden bar in a chocolate melt or a pot.
Slice a fork or knitting stick or similar into the bananas and roll them in the chocolate.
Roll the bananas into the bowl and put them on a plate.
Put them in the fridge...

Drinks (warm) Cocoa powder Cups milk Vanilla sugar ...

Pour the milk into a pan.
Bring the gold bar into smaller pieces and put them in the milk and let them melt while stirring.
Add cocoa powder and vanilla sugar and stir well.
Server immediately in two cups....

Salads A large cluster of flat-leaf parsley A large tuft Mint Pine nuts or other nuts ...

Boil the bulgus in chicken stock as directed. Cool. Mix a dressing of oil, tomato paste, crushed garlic and lemon juice.

Chop tomato, pepper, cucumber and onion nicely and mix. Chop mint and and parsley and come into the vegetable mix. It's important that t...

Mains Feta cheese HK. spinach (frozen-ku must cover the tart bottom) Pepper ...

Turn on the oven at 180 degrees.
Cut the chicken into the tern and put them on the forehead until they are tender. Then bacon on the forehead.
Bring the pie in a lightly greased pie.
Chop the vegetables into small terns.
Whip the egg together with a fork a...

Drinks (cold) Vaniliesukker Mini milk Licorice ice cream ...

Put all the ingredients in a rod blender. Blend all the ingredients well together so that no ice cubes are left. Now pour the result into a glass and drink....