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Recipes with Salt

Cold cuts Basil Thyme Aluform ...

The swine fever can be chopped or blended with the other parts. Stir all the pieces of the dough together in a stir bowl. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Grease the aluform with oil and pour the saucepan in. Place the oven in the oven approx. 30 minutes. Knit

Bread, buns & biscuits Herbs. URf.eks chives. thyme or ...? Milk or cold coffee for brushing Oil ...

The potatoes are peeled and cooked. Store 2½ dl potato water and pour the rest from. Water and potatoes are cooled. Mashed potatoes. Stir yeast into potato water and add oil and possibly. krudderurter. In addition, they mashed potatoes and salt. Mix well. Then

Lunch Sesame seeds Eggs Oil ...

Dissolve yeast and salt in the lukewarm water. Add oil and flour, but not all the flour. Peel the dough together and knead more of the flour until the dough drops. Let it rise for ½-1 hour. Slice the dough through and divide it into 6 pieces rolled into a

Cakes in form Salt Chocolate Wheat flour ...

Heat the oven up to 180 degrees. Melt chocolate (200 g.) And butter together. Cool it a little. Mix flour, baking soda and salt in a bowl. Whip egg, sugar, vanilla grains (and any coffee) into an airy eggshell with an electric hand-knife in another bo

Lunch (to go) Olive oil Salt Syrup ...

The peanuts are easily shaken on a pan with salt or they are shaken in the oven at 150 degrees for approx. 20 minutes. They are driven through the meatbreaker a few times until they have a liquid consistency. Ground the peanut butter with syrup and stir well

Mains Pepper Rose paprika Salt ...

Wash the okraces, cut the sticks and put the okraces in boiling water with added salt and vinegar. Cook the okra for approx. 15 minutes. Flake the tomatoes and remove the chops. Cut the tomato meat into cubes. Heat the oil. Bring okra, tomatoes, chopped

Soups Bacon cubes Pepper Salt ...

The cuts are cut into slices, potatoes and onion cut into cubes. Boil the vegetables in broth in a large pot until they are very tender - approx. 25 min. Blend it all to a creamy consistency. Heat up again and add the piquant cheese to the flakes. Stir until

Cakes in form Salt Chocolate Wheat flour ...

Heat the oven up to 180 degrees. Melt chocolate (200 g.) And butter together. Cool it a little. Mix flour, baking soda and salt in a bowl. Whip egg, sugar, vanilla grains (and any coffee) into an airy eggshell with an electric hand-knife in another bo