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Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Salt Crème fraiche 38% ...

Start shaking bacon in the tern. Bring up the bacon quarters and down with the straw strips, which are baked in the grease grease. Brush the halved and sliced ​​onions together with hemp in slices. Put the meat back together with half of the roasted baco

Mains Freshly ground pepper Olive oil The juice of 2 lemons ...

Clean the lamb cows for any tendons. Sprinkle 9 holes in each lamb chop evenly over the entire club. Open the cut a little with your fingers. Crush half of the sage and basil with 2 cloves of garlic and 2 teaspoons of salt in a mortar. Add lemon juice, 4 ta

Sides Basil (at will) Lemon juice at will Dill (at will) ...

Crush garlic with 1 teaspoon of salt in a mortar. Put egg yolk and mustard in a bowl and whip it. Add olive oil, drop by drop. Once you have added a quarter of the oil, you can add in larger quantities at a time. When all oil is added add garlic, lemon,

Sides Pepper Salt Good olive oil ...

Place potatoes and carrots in thin slices in a dish. Turn it all in olive oil and rosemary. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Comes in a preheated oven at 180 degrees about 40 minutes. Turn around after 20 minutes when adding olives. tips: If you do not l

Mains Freshly ground pepper Olive oil Juice of 1 lime ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees, scrub the potatoes and cut the potatoes for approx. 12 boats, turning with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. Stir the potatoes in the oven for approx. 30 minutes until they are tender and golden Form the chopped beef for

Sides Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Put the pears in ovenproof dish, season and pour honey and oil over. Place in the oven at 200 gr for about 45 min

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sourdough Lukewarm water ...

Day 1: Ingredients mix and raise a warm place for 24 hours. Covered with dishcloth. Day 2: Ingredients are mixed with dough from day 1. Eating really well (important) 1 cup of sourdough is taken to the next baking (shelf life 5-6 weeks. Then it comes in

Mains White pepper Pepper Cayenne pepper ...

Heat the oil in a large pot. Season finely chopped onions, peppers, celery and garlic for 5 minutes. Add tomatoes cut into tern, tomato sauce, broth, lemon juice, bay leaves, thyme, salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, white pepper and paprika. Bring it to b