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Base recipes recipes

Base recipes Basic recipe: (fettuccine) Oil Tomato ...

The flour is poured into a bowl. The eggs are turned off and add along with the oil. Ingredients are stirred together with a fork. When the flour has absorbed the eggs, kneaded the dough thoroughly with your hands for about 10 minutes. It should be blank, elas

Base recipes Fresh thyme sprig Bay leaf Onion ...

Brown meat, and vildtben together with the cleaned, carved vegetables and thyme in the oven at 250 degrees. Set the ingredients to boil in water on low heat. Foam "soup". Share the onion and burn it black on a dry pan. Put the onion in the pan together with th

Base recipes Nitrite salt (normal salt can be used) Cold water Sugar ...

The brine must be cooked up, then it must be cold before the ham comes in. Find out which spice you'll use, as. Provance or thyme If the ham is fresh, so put you in salt-/krydderlage 3-5 days (Add a bit of spice in the brine.) You boil ham now with a

Base recipes Tvesurt soda Baking powder Rice flour ...

The ingredients must be quite dry, and then upon purchase we aim them together. There may well be mixed ½-1 kg. at a time when you just keep bagepulveret in tins or glass with hermetic lids. Used usually with 20 g. baking powder to 500 g. flormel

Base recipes

Method 1: whole milk is mixed with buttermilk in the ratio 1-2 tbsp. Buttermilk for a plate of whole milk and recommended exposed on a warm place from one day to the next. Is the milk at this point, not thick, it will be less good at the longer deferral. One f

Base recipes Salt Wheat flour Vinegar ...

Save some of the flour to the table where you have to roll the dough out. Mix the remaining ingredients together-oil and the flour first. Knead well and low a bun of dough. Let the dough rest for about an hour, a cool place. Roll the dough out on a table

Base recipes

Put the bird with breast down cut with a sharp knife down along the spine Let knife follow the hull all the way around to the sternum, cut through the joints at the thighs and wings Scrape the flesh over the thighs free of the leg and thigh in the joint from u

Base recipes Coarse salt Herring Sugar ...

Herring is perishable and should be preserved as soon as possible after the catch. Salting is the best storage method for herring. The fish don't get in the water, but can if necessary. blood cured before the actual curing. Salted herring must never be cov