Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Base recipes recipes

Base recipes Fat for frying Pepper Salt ...

Beat eggs, whipping cream, salt and pepper frothy with a fork. Hot fat in a frying pan and grate the tomatoes briefly, they must not take color. Pour the egg mixture over the tomatoes and stir with a palette knife or spatula. Let the eggs sit, add the cheese a

Base recipes Freshly picked flower heads of viol Letpisket egg white Sugar ...

1. Freshly picked flower heads of viol soaked in letpisket egg white. Then dip the flower in the sugar and place on baking paper and dried in the oven at 75 c for two hours. The door must be left slightly open during drying. 2. Freshly picked violet flowers

Base recipes Salt Oil Water ...

Mix the flour and salt and put it as a pyramid on the kitchen table, make a recess in the middle. Beat the eggs out of the recess and knead them into the flour, first with a fork, then with your fingers. Knead the dough smooth and supple. Wrap the dough in pla

Base recipes Red food coloring Atamon Pineapple essence ...

Rhubarb cut into cubes and rinse well, Who sprinkled tartaric acid over, then 2 l boiling water poured over, and so 2 l of cold water. Must be a 24-hour and filtered through a sieve. Sugar, pineapple essence, red food coloring in the juice, stir regularly for

Base recipes Sour cream 18% Paprika Chives ...

Fraichen cream is poured into a coffee filter in a funnel. Style funnel over a mug and let cream fraichen drain away in 24 hours. Fraichen becomes thick as cream cheese and season with salt. Add the chives and paprika. Tips: The thin whey can be used when

Base recipes Dill A little salt Paprika ...

Pour the yoghurt in a coffee filter or a strainer with a cloth and let it drain completely free of moisture. This takes a long time – possibly. overnight. Taste the mass to with Parmesan cheese, paprika and possibly. a little salt. Chop half of the shrimp very

Base recipes Comments Salt Buttermilk ...

Here, then, is the fastest cheese to manufacture. It has a different texture, but a good fresh flavor. Churning the milk heats easily over the fire, which then will be separated from the whey. The whey is poured from and after the curd has been going a little

Base recipes Chopped onion Finely chopped parsley Finely chopped herbs chives or dill ...

Ymer and sour cream mix and place in the coffee filter and afdrypper in the coffee funnel like overnight. Cheese mixture to onions and herbs.