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Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Salt Bicarbonate of soda ...

Pour the liquid and remaining ingredients in a glass jar, except the egg whites. Blend everything 2 min. Or whip all ingredients to a thick jævning. Let the dough rest for ½ hour. Whip the whites until very stiff. Turn them into the dough. Pour the batter i

Desserts (warm) Baking soda Lemon, finely chopped seedless Cinnamon ...

Kidney headline cut to pieces. The outer membranes removed. Headline chopped through kødmaskinen. Then be painted dry French broke through. Bread or bread crumbs over pour with boiling milk. Whole eggs and sugar are beaten together. Count and add bread. The v

Desserts (warm) Butter for frying Buttermilk Salt ...

Whip the mentioned parts together to make the dough and bake 6 pancakes. Rinse the sharon fruit and cut it one of the fruits in 6 slices for garnish. The rest blended into a fine puree in a blender with the sugar and lemon juice. Grate almond flakes in the ove

Desserts (warm) Juice from 1 lemon Salt Calvados ...

The eggs are shared in separate bowl. (Golsad is freed from the shell and the sugar melted to caramel in a saucepan. The butter is added and golsad be carefully in karamellen. Flamber with calvados and add the orange juice. Golsad boil now tender in karamellen

Desserts (warm) Eggs Potato flour Sugar ...

Stir egg yolk with sugar. Add the potato flour. Mix it with rice porridge. Beat the egg white stiff and fold it gently in. Let the butter Brown quite easily on the Pan, and place the dough on to a tablespoon. -Turn gently. Serve with Strawberry

Desserts (warm) Grated nutmeg Vanilla essence Brown sugar ...

Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Brush a heat-proof Bowl (1 L) with melted butter. Whisk eggs, sugar, milk, whipping cream and vanilla in a medium bowl for 1 minute and pour the mixture into the buttered dish. Style the bowl in a low baking Tin and pour as much h

Desserts (warm) Orange Vanilla pod Icing sugar ...

Icing sugar and vanillekorn are soaked in a little water and whipped into the kvarken. Grilled bananas with Peel on for 2-3 min. on each side. Cut an incision lengthwise, onto which the juice of the appelsinen. Server warm with Quark cream.

Desserts (warm) A slightly sweet Cinnamon A little lemon juice ...

Bottom: Stir all the ingredients the same and pre-baked in a 200 degrees oven for about 10-15 minutes in a small tærtefad. Mix the grated Apple with lemon juice, cinnamon and jams. Pour it on top of the pre-baked pie and bake for approx. 10-15 min. Low a cr